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GoldenEye (1995)

Action | 130 minutes
3,45 2.505 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 130 minuten

Alternative title: Golden Eye

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Martin Campbell

Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean and Famke Janssen

IMDb score: 7,2 (275.496)

Releasedate: 16 November 1995

GoldenEye plot

"No limits. No fears. No substitutes."

The Cold War is over, but the Russian mafia is rampant and wants to take control of the world. Fortunately, there is secret agent 007 to put a stop to that. Bond and Natalya must take out the world-dangerous weapon Goldeneye.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Alec Trevelyan

Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova

Xenia Onatopp

Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky

Defense Minister Dmitri Mishkin

General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov

Boris Grishenko

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I feel like I was a big toddler when I first saw GoldenEye. It was my first encounter with James Bond and it's this movie that inspired many of the shooting games I played with friends. So I grew up with Pierce Brosnan as James Bond, until this revision still my favorite, but after also reviewing the later Brosnan's I think Craig is the best in the end I think.

Anyway, it starts with one of the best title songs. This is followed by a spectacular opening which, although completely over the top, sets the tone well. As mentioned, it's a bit crooked to mention Sean Bean in the credits while he's presumed dead. Even after the title song, the film explodes with a funny race between Bond and Onatopp, played by Famke Janssen. She plays her part superbly as a sadist who cums with every kill. In addition, the fun appearance Scorupco also plays and you have two of the best Bond girls and also in one movie! Sean Bean is also a good bad guy and I've always found the role of Boris funny. With the arrival of Judi Dench, all this makes it one of the best Bond casts.

It's been six years since License to Kill came out so the violence is looking a bit better again with a lot of gunfire, explosions and improbable escapes. Bond in a tank is one of the highlights. This one should definitely be in the top five Bond films.

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Oops...I did not like this first Bond film with Pierce Brosnan. On a positive note, Brosnan does have more charisma than Dalton, but the story is definitely weak. Nevertheless a nice opening scene with 006, but outside the scene with the tank there is little to experience in terms of cool action moments. All that Russian stuff about espionage and mafia and the 'Golden Eye' didn't interest me. Izabella Scorupco is the beautiful Bond girl and Famke Janssen as the psychotic Xenia Onatopp was good in her role. Fairly bizarre given the many good reviews, this Bond film doesn't really entertain me. 5/10

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One of the better Bond films, it seems that the film gets better with each viewing.

Brosnan as Bond convinces immediately. It may also help that the opening scene is of unprecedented quality, but from the first moment it is on screen it comes across as believable. In any case, the entire cast is on a roll, with the positive highlight being Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp. She constantly balances on the edge, it comes very close to overacting, but she knows how to squeeze everything out of her role and in my opinion is one of the stars of this film.

The film also has some very strong scenes. The one with the tank is of course well known and remains a sensation, even though we are now more than twenty-five years later. Actually, the entire film is highly recommended, the gadgets, stunts and humor are perfect for each other.

One of the better of the range, definitely top five material.

Half raise, 4*.

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