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A View to a Kill (1985)

Action | 131 minutes
3,17 1.547 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 131 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: John Glen

Stars: Roger Moore, Christopher Walken and Tanya Roberts

IMDb score: 6,3 (107.187)

Releasedate: 24 May 1985

A View to a Kill plot

"Has James Bond finally met his match?"

A special chip has been stolen from the Russians and is identical to a British design, which can withstand the radiation of a nuclear explosion. British Secret Service suspects Max Zorin of stealing the chip. James Bond is sent to find out. He discovers that Zorin produces many chips and has devised a diabolical plan to control the entire chip production.

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Generally seen as a lesser bond, but personally it is one of my favorites. Roger Moore in his last 007 may indeed be too old and looks tired, but that is more than compensated by a nice story, with some memorable scenes. Furthermore, Walken is brilliant as the nervous but totally screwed up villain, also one of the best in the series. He doesn't have much to do, but gets the most out of little(beautiful, that final scene on that bridge). Originally David Bowie had been asked for this role (no doubt to attract an audience) but he could not have done it better than Walken does here. Grace Jones does the same. Fortunately, they were smart enough not to give her much text, because she is a miserable actress, but in the classic supporting role of the power-hungry villain's accomplice, she does just fine. Roberts as Bond girl is less so. This lady can't act either, but she's very good at being beautiful. Nice to see MacNee in a predictable supporting role and Dolph Lundgren seems to be walking around in this somewhere too, but can hardly recognize him (he must have been dating Grace Jones). The title song by Duran Duran was a world hit at the time, and is still one that I like to hear today.

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Black Math

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Very mediocre Bond. It can all be summarized quite briefly: the opening scene with the Beach Boys song while snowboarding is too corny for words, Moore is quite out of date, there are hardly any gadgets, also here clearly blue screens during the action, and the Bond girls can't really act.

At least Grace Jones still has a great appearance, but Tanya Roberts is nothing more than a damsel in distress despite her character having to represent a geographer. Her voice sounds pretty dumb, and reminded me of the neighbor from That 70s Show, and sure enough, she still is. First time that I recognize an actress primarily by the (irritating) voice.

Bright spot is San Francisco as a backdrop, since I've been there. I've walked and cycled across the Golden Gate Bridge, so that's a nice location to see in the movie, although I'm not going to give it any extra stars. Another bright spot is Walken as the antagonist. Still an interesting actor to watch. But for the rest it is disappointing. 1.5*.

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  • 2018 messages
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This Bond film has always fascinated me. A few years ago I could have had this last film with Moore as Bond, but yesterday's review convinced me again that this is simply one of the worst Bond films.

First of all, Moore is way too old and totally unconvincing, his stunt performer is even more in the picture, so sad it is. Furthermore, the bad guys seem to have walked straight out of Austin Powers, with Grace Jones as the tragic low. This has to be the worst acting performance in the entire series.

Nothing else about this movie is Bond worthy. It's more of an average action movie with a mediocre script and the occasional fun scene.

Moore as Bond has entertained me at times, but it's clear that the best Bond movies weren't made with him. I think The Spy Who Loved Me is his best, this movie is his worst.

Half reduction, 2.5*

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