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Halloween (1978)

Horror | 91 minutes / 101 minutes (extended cut)
3,60 2.058 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 91 minuten / 101 minuten (extended cut)

Alternative title: John Carpenter's Halloween

Country: United States

Directed by: John Carpenter

Stars: Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence and Nancy Kyes

IMDb score: 7,7 (320.914)

Releasedate: 24 October 1978

Halloween plot

"The Night He Came Home!"

Halloween 1963. 6-year-old Michael Myers takes a knife from the kitchen drawer and walks up the stairs, where he kills his older sister. He is then admitted to a psychiatric clinic. He is now 21 and it has to be determined whether he can be released. The doctor who cared for him all these years thinks that Michael should never be released. But Michael does not wait for the investigation and escapes. He returns home where he continues to kill on Halloween.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Dr. Sam Loomis

Laurie Strode

Annie Brackett

Lynda Van Der Klok

Sheriff Leigh Brackett

Lindsey Wallace

Tommy Doyle

Marion Chambers

Graveyard Keeper

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  • 5751 messages
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It says something that while watching this cult horror classic I mainly enjoyed the score and the camera work. Those two elements of Halloween were approaching perfection, but beyond that I just didn't like them too much.

I simply got tired of Myers' method (constantly standing somewhere, breathing heavily, driving past, stopping and driving again, and oh yeah, occasionally hitting it too). Naturally an excellent psycho killer because of his appearance, but the lack of an (extensive) elaborate background ensures that he never really manages to intrigue. What also doesn't help is that he is quite put to shit at the end, with those three exhausting resurrections before the film is finished. Furthermore, Myers is very easily trumped. The suspense is not too good, as the only real tension is created by the score. In addition, the three women who play the lead roles of the 'victim camp' are very annoying, and they act pretty bad. Myers then scores the only pass there, as I would have liked to see the police commissioner deleted as well.

Halloween is a film that relies too much on repetition, music and camera work, is too simplistic in story, lacks suspense and is dragged down by the bad acting.


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Yes, I was also among a lot of idiots who don't understand what the film is about. People who walk out of the room halfway through the movie, just talking out loud in between the movies or chewing popcorn hard. The height of sadness is therefore of those guys who giggle like schoolgirls. I was sitting next to a guy who was whining at every scene that it was stupid and predictable. The Mother of all Slashers comes to the silver screen and you're among people who don't understand the movie at all, wtf? The youth of today is getting dumber it seems...

This film is brilliant with references, atmosphere, has excellent camera and acting that many contemporary film and director can learn from. It's mainly about the atmosphere and Michael. The rest is packaging material for the explosive gift. Expendables for the movie. The classic Halloween tune is so musically and ingeniously conceived that hearing the tune is always guaranteed to give you goosebumps; every time again!

In any case, I don't understand the people who spend 10 euros and then find out afterwards that the film is not what they expected. This movie is 40 years old. Think for a moment or watch a trailer. If you expect this to be an IT or The Nun, you will soon come home from a cold fair.

A tip for such people: look at home with a bowl of popcorn on the couch. You can giggle as hard as you want without it bothering others. And above all, give the Mother of all Slashers the respect she deserves.

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