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Rosemary's Baby (1968)

Horror | 137 minutes
3,73 1.648 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 137 minuten

Alternative title: Wat Is Er Toch aan de Hand met Rosemary's Baby?

Country: United States

Directed by: Roman Polanski

Stars: Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes and Ruth Gordon

IMDb score: 8,0 (246.055)

Releasedate: 12 June 1968

Rosemary's Baby plot

"It's not what you're expecting"

Rosemary and Guy just got married and move into a large apartment in New York. They soon befriend a couple who live next door. Guy is spending more and more time with these neighbors. After the suicide of a woman in the neighborhood, Rosemary begins to have strange dreams and hear strange noises. It seems Guy is living more and more isolated from Rosemary. She gets more and more attention from her neighbors and when she becomes pregnant, it turns out that the neighbors have special plans for her child.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Rosemary Woodhouse

Guy Woodhouse

Minnie Castevet

Roman Castevet

Dr. Sapirstein


Elise Dunstan

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Secretly expected a lot from it. Partly because I loved Repulsion and Le Locataire, and this one has an even higher average that 2 (both on imdb and MM). Unfortunately I liked this the least part. I do like slow build-up of tension, as long as it's captivating enough to keep watching. I missed this at some points. The build takes almost 2 hours. Then it must be good enough to be able to sit this out. Unfortunately, Rosemary's Baby didn't reach the level of the two I mentioned earlier. Yet there is a creepy atmosphere throughout the film, so I can ultimately still give a simple pass.

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Despite its reputation, this film didn't exactly convince me. Anyway, I was a bit apprehensive at the 136 minutes of playing time, but luckily they didn't go by so slowly. Strangely enough, this is only my first Polanski experience.

The film really lasts way too long, the first 75 minutes don't really contribute much and seem like 1 big and long introduction. It is nowhere really exciting and more of a kind of family drama. There are some remarkable scenes in like Rosemary floating on her bed in the sea but those are the best parts.

After that, the tone is a bit darker and the story picks up a bit more momentum, with the last 30 minutes suddenly being very strong and the score going up quite a bit. Farrow plays one of the most erratic roles I've seen, sometimes she's convincing but sometimes she looks like a kind of Disney princess.

The last minutes are strong and quite oppressive, making them a lot easier to take you along. This alone actually added 2 whole points, but that was not enough for the final result. Polanski may be a master, but he is not yet convinced here. Anyway, the Polanski world is still open to me.

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Remains a classic. Seen the movie at least 10 times. The roles of Rosemary and Minnie Castevet continue to fascinate me. If I had a choice, they would both get an Oscar. Drama, thriller and horror in 1 film. Film is already 50 years old, but still one of my all time favorites!

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