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Murder on the Orient Express (2017)

Drama | 114 minutes
2,88 1.249 votes

Genre: Mystery

Duration: 114 minuten

Country: United States / Malta

Directed by: Kenneth Branagh

Stars: Tom Bateman, Kenneth Branagh and Penélope Cruz

IMDb score: 6,5 (302.323)

Releasedate: 3 November 2017

Murder on the Orient Express plot

"Everyone is a suspect"

What begins as an extravagant train journey through Europe culminates in one of the most stylish, exciting and gripping mysteries ever told. This is the story of thirteen travelers on a train, where everyone is a suspect. In a race against time, one man must solve the puzzle before the killer strikes again.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Hercule Poirot

Caroline Hubbard

Edward Ratchett

Hector MacQueen

Gerhard Hardman

Natalia Dragomiroff

Edward Masterman

Dr. Arbuthnot

Mary Debenham

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Until the moment of the murder (and then we're actually halfway there) I liked the film at its best. A bit of luxury, images of trains, a nice start in the Middle East and a quiet narration that is usually quite nice to look away. But once the mystery comes, the fun is gone for me, mainly because I never really thought this was an investigation. Poirot asks some questions, it could be anyone, but Poirot never really seems to go from one step to the next. And you're afraid, as with Sherlock, that with some minute detail he will suddenly solve the case. Fortunately that doesn't happen, but I also found the final punchline slightly disappointing. In any case, I didn't find it surprising. I was already counting with those twelve stitches how many men were present and whether there was a connection. Other than that, it's a fun game from most, although not everyone is equally good at it. All that filled with nice sets and sets, although the cgi is not always convincing. A good mustache, though. 2.5*.

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avatar van Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem

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Kenneth Branagh should have given another actor the chance to cast Poirot instead of claiming the part for himself, when he doesn't have the right physique or acting talent for that part. Or better yet, maybe he shouldn't have started this unnecessary remake. Nothing is being done with the talent of Johnny Depp, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench and others. Especially Branagh himself has no charisma. He seems to rush his lines, forgetting to act. His fake French accent makes you cry! And then that mustache... beard... what does that thing actually represent? Worst of all for a murder mystery is the fact that this film is never exciting at any point. As someone in this thread put it: you don't get the feeling of being in the story anywhere.

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avatar van Roger Thornhill

Roger Thornhill

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Nothing new, but it's all colorful and fast-paced, the supporting characters are fun (although someone like Willem Dafoe gets very little to do), the visuals are beautiful, and (most importantly) Kenneth Branagh is an excellent Poirot: powerful and confident without false modesty, and thankfully not glaring like Albert Finney. It doesn't get really exciting anywhere, and that emphatic piano music during the "Last Supper" is a shame, but otherwise this is pleasantly uncomplicated entertainment.

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