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The Manchurian Candidate (2004)

Thriller | 129 minutes
3,24 1.355 votes

Genre: Thriller / Mystery

Duration: 129 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jonathan Demme

Stars: Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep and Liev Schreiber

IMDb score: 6,6 (119.534)

Releasedate: 30 July 2004

The Manchurian Candidate plot

"Everything is under control."

After Sgt. Raymond Shaw, son of the powerful Senator Eleanor Shaw, returns as a hero from the Gulf War, the other members of his platoon can hardly remember what he did for his award. Major Bennett Marco decides Sgt. to investigate Shaw's activities. What secrets are kept by the government and military?

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Major Bennett Ezekiel Marco

Senator Eleanor Prentiss Shaw (D-VA)

Congressman Raymond Prentiss Shaw (D-NY)

Dr. Atticus Noyle

Senator Thomas Jordan (D-CT)

CPL Al Melvin

PFC Robert Baker III

Colonel Howard

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Roger Thornhill

  • 5794 messages
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This is a fine remake in many ways, full of different camera angles and moving close-ups to add to the alienation of Ben Marco and the paranoid intrigue of the plot, and with excellent performances by Denzel Washington and especially Liev Schreiber (although the Mother as played by Meryl Streep is annoyingly bossy rather than intimidating and scary like Angela Lansbury). My main objection is the running time, because while it's not much longer than the original, the film feels like too many scenes are stacked on top of each other, so it can't hold my attention all the time. The sheer amount of familiar faces in small roles somehow exacerbates this, as if the film is too full to be effective. This modern version lacks the oppression and claustrophobia of the original.

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