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Man on Fire (2004)

Action | 146 minutes
3,87 5.358 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 146 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Tony Scott

Stars: Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning and Christopher Walken

IMDb score: 7,7 (400.209)

Releasedate: 23 April 2004

Man on Fire plot

"Creasy's art is death, and he is about to paint his masterpiece."

American ex-soldier John Creasy lives in Mexico. An old friend asks him to act as a bodyguard for the young Pita Balletto, in order to protect her from the many kidnappings in the Mexican capital. The initially difficult relationship between the two turns into a close bond. Then what everyone fears happens...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

John W. Creasy

Lupita Ramos

Samuel Ramos

Miguel Manzano

Jordan Kalfus

Mariana Garcia Guerrero

Daniel Sanchez

Victor Fuentes

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avatar van patrickman


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Seen 100 times. What a movie

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avatar van GoodOldJack


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Must partly join Tornado here. The editing and special effects are so annoying in the long run that you always long for a moment without special effects or where the editing slows down a bit. Very wrong choice to choose a pussy montage just at the important moments. Furthermore, the predictability factor is very large.

There are good points too, goodold Danzel is doing well as usual and there are a few revenge moments that are worked out very nicely.

But all in all, just enough and I'm still quite generous.

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avatar van Onderhond


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But once again, this film still feels quite fresh. It's okay that not everyone appreciates Scott spreading his trailer aesthetic over an entire movie, but I can only appreciate it. Furthermore, Man on Fire doesn't offer much, despite a number of attempts to make it more relevant.

Washington and Fanning make a nice duo, Walken is also an added value despite his small role. The second part is also remarkably grim, although Scott still continues to color between the lines. Mno, without the frantic stylization this would have been a fairly average movie, luckily Scott didn't hold back.

Together with Domino by far his best films. I do miss him a bit, because the current Hollywood offerings are sadly boring compared to these kinds of films.

4.0* and a extended review

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