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American Gangster (2007)

Crime | 157 minutes / 176 minutes (unrated edition)
3,82 4.922 votes

Genre: Biography / Crime

Duration: 157 minuten / 176 minuten (unrated edition)

Country: United States

Directed by: Ridley Scott

Stars: Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington and Chiwetel Ejiofor

IMDb score: 7,8 (468.132)

Releasedate: 2 November 2007

American Gangster plot

"There are two sides to the American dream"

Drug king Frank Lucas (Washington) takes advantage of the US military's presence in Asia during the Vietnam War to smuggle cheap drugs into the US. He quickly built up a large empire. However, police officer Roberts (Crowe) gets wind of his handy business, and the corrupt cop Trupo is also interested in the case.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Richie Roberts

Detective Trupo

Lou Toback

Dominic Cattano

Javier J. Rivera

Freddie Spearman

Moses Jones

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  • 21 messages
  • 27 votes

A film based on a true story often produces (too) little drama. Facts: truth with a small t. It is therefore not surprising that American Gangster never really captivates or has a surprising plot twist in store. The writer's imagination can afford little because the facts determine the plot as well as the characterization and development of the characters. The result: a long and even tedious film without highlights.

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A film that I found boring and long-winded the first time, but now I have come to appreciate it more and more in terms of time frame and atmosphere.

The film starts a bit messy, where I find it especially difficult to find which characters are important. However, it soon turns to Lucas setting up a syndicate, and Roberts, without knowing exactly who he is dealing with, fights this syndicate. An appalling picture of New York, the wrong Wouten city presents itself, just like in Serpico, for example. As usual in the genre it is a coming and going of names and people who add nothing or a little bit, the door here, car there and house so and so basically that takes place for hours like in the average Godfather or the more recent The Irishman . Something I normally can't catch, but American Gangster stands out in a positive way in that area.

Scott knows how to weave almost three hours in a fluid and smooth way, because saw the uncensored version with 17 minutes extra, without the film starting to get boring. This is partly due to a beautiful image of the time, fine music, but above all two actors in equally fascinating roles that keep my attention until the end. Scott especially succeeds in a great mix in that regard in this whole. Both the men's lives are fascinating and especially the sacrifices they make for them. While Lucas lacks for nothing during Thanksgiving, while Roberts is lonely making a shabby sandwich, Lucas can also far from living the way he might want since he's always on his toes. Furthermore, the large cast is of course worth mentioning with roles from Brolin, Elba, Ejifor and Gooding Jr.

In that respect, American Gangster is a film that I am coming to appreciate more and more and that is pleasant to watch despite the fact that nothing spectacular happens. Engaging, stylish and fun.

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Edgar Davids

  • 43 messages
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Film manages to maintain a steady level throughout the playing time with the occasional big outlier. Dialogues are occasionally less interesting than they should be, but you can't have everything. Actors reach their usual level with Denzel as a high flyer. Gangster movie by the book.

my husband

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