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The Boondock Saints (1999)

Action | 108 minutes
3,80 4.985 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Troy Duffy

Stars: Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus

IMDb score: 7,6 (255.421)

Releasedate: 22 January 1999

The Boondock Saints plot

"Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will Be Done."

The Irish Brothers MacManus feel they have a mission from God to kill all the criminals in their city of Boston. They are soon hailed by the media, calling them The Boondock Saints. They have the FBI, led by the extravagant Paul Smecker, after them.

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avatar van Lovelyboy


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Wonderful movie. Great mix of humor and action. Nice sequence of how each time one arrives at the crime scene first, there is a havoc and how Willem Dafoe imitates and constructs it in his own unique way. Dafoe was able to indulge himself in this role anyway.

Beautiful role by the way from the bartender with gilles de la tourette. Unfortunately, it doesn't come along very often, but I keep laughing, especially in the hospital with those nuns.

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Dad Sox

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The Boondock Saints is about two tough guys who kill serious criminals by order of God, to put it simply. This religious element came back regularly in the film, but it seemed quite forced. What remains is mainly shooting gangsters. Now I have to say that these bangers were nicely portrayed, partly because they were only shown to the viewer afterwards. Other than that, I found that I was never really drawn into the whole story.

Now such a film can compensate for that by the characters that are in it, but that has not been completely successful. The two brothers simply lacked the charisma for me and the addition of Rocco was also unsuccessful. The latter was quite exaggerated. Paul Smecker, the detective portrayed by Willem DaFoe, I found very enjoyable. He portrays a rather arrogant detective with verve. A bit over the top - just like the whole movie really - but in this case it worked.

I like this kind of clunky action movies from time to time, but The Boondock Saints doesn't rise above mediocrity for me.

2.5 star

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Fisico (moderator films)

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The Boondock Saints is a flashy action film from the New York mafia environment of the 80s-90s. Besides the police themselves, rival clans were the biggest threats to guarding their own territory. The McManus brothers are no better off fighting crime with crime, and they make it a sacred journey to stage a murder raid on some of the top criminals. The FBI led by Paul Smecker (Willem Dafoe) is at a loss. Should they be happy now or not? Public opinion is also divided. The one sees them as heroes, for the other they are no better. It's these contradictions that make this movie just that little bit better than the standard action movie.

Add to that the beautiful Irish atmosphere and setting and you are set for an evening. It would have been something for Dropkick Murphys too. The dialogues are also stronger than average. The colorful characters are well portrayed and intriguing. The religious approach works well and drags the viewer into the story why they start killing. The action is well presented, here and there with a slomo. Nice action movie, nice!

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