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The Expendables (2010)

Action | 103 minutes / 113 minutes (extended director's cut)
3,24 3.664 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 103 minuten / 113 minuten (extended director's cut)

Country: United States

Directed by: Sylvester Stallone

Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham and Jet Li

IMDb score: 6,4 (371.133)

Releasedate: 3 August 2010

The Expendables plot

"Choose your weapon."

'The Expendables' are a group of mercenaries, each with their own specialism, who infiltrate a South American country on assignment. They go into battle with the cruel dictator who holds the country in his grip. The men soon realize that not everything in this mission is as it seems. They become increasingly entangled in a dangerous web of deceit and betrayal. As a result, their mission is thwarted and they endanger an innocent life. But the men grapple with an even tougher challenge... one that threatens to destroy their mutual bond.

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knusse stoel

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A decent action film that scores a good average for me. The men's crew travels around the globe in a kind of seaplane to rectify what some others find wrong and want to pay them well for it.

In this story, they spring into action on 2 missions, one to retrieve hostages from a freighter and the same one that is spent most of the time in the movie, to stop a former CIA agent who runs the coca trade on his "private island". wants to dominate with the construction and sale of this white stuff. There are some impressive scenes in the film, you actually know that before you've seen the film because the director of the whole is Sylvester Stallone who also plays the lead. Furthermore, we see Arnold Schwarzenegger pass by in a scene where he gives the credit to Silvester Stallone for this assignment.

The story was not too deep and I did not expect that, you will see this film if you are ready for an hour and a half of action on the tube! Great entertainment in beautiful locations with good actors in this genre.

A 7!

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I pushed these The expendables off for a very long time. But on the occasion of the finery of my MM top1527 I gave this one a chance. And I must say that I quite liked it. Within the genre you can even call it quite good.

Statham is doing very well and I also liked Stallone as the big boss of this irregular bunch. The opening scene alone already betrays what will come your way in the next 100 minutes. Lots of action and explosions, not that surprising, but the mayonnaise did grab, mostly anyway. One cameo was better than the other (Arnie and Willis), but the tone was set. Film does contain some humor, especially situational or through one-liners.

Visually not always great, neither is the acting, but I certainly enjoyed it. Actually a bit nostalgic to see all those ninety action heroes together!

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Think The A-Team with a who's who of action genre veterans (only Jason Statham was at the peak of his career) with ultimate über-villain Eric Roberts as... the ultimate über-villain. Dated, empty-headed action film that never pretends to be better than it actually is. Stallone plays the leader of a group of mercenaries with colorful names like Lee Christmas], Yin Yang, Toll Road, not to mention Hale Caesar, who are commissioned by Mr. Church [Bruce Willis] to get undisclosed "resources" from General Garza [David Zayas] on the Gulf Island of Vilena and even briefly liquidate the General. James Munroe (not to be confused with the former US president) [Eric Roberts] wants to put a stop to that. Dolph Lundgren and Terry Crews also do their bit in an action film full of pleasant self-mockery. Fans of the cast will enjoy themselves with a few nice fights, the outcome of which is not already clear in advance. Completely nonsensical, but very entertaining for fans of the genre. Arnold Schwarzenegger has an entertaining cameo.

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