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Yip Man (2008)

Action | 106 minutes
3,79 1.447 votes

Genre: Action / Biography

Duration: 106 minuten

Alternative titles: Ip Man / 葉問

Country: Hong-Kong / China

Directed by: Wilson Yip

Stars: Donnie Yen and Simon Yam

IMDb score: 8,0 (237.312)

Releasedate: 12 December 2008

Yip Man plot

"The celebrated Kung Fu master of Bruce Lee."

A true story set in the 1930s in Fuoshan, China. Ip Man is admired throughout the city for his fighting skills and integrity. As the only master in town, he does not take any students and lives a quiet, happy life. When the invasion of Japan ends his blissful life and the lives of all his fellow townsmen, things change. A Japanese general challenges the town's various masters to a battle. Ip Man is reluctant and considers it more important to support his family. His attitude changes when it turns out that some fights go to the death...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Zhou Qing Quan

Zhang Yong Cheng

General Miura

Captain Li Zhao

Jin Shan Zhao

Master Zealot Lin/Crazy Lin

Shao Dan Yuan

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avatar van Maarten0402


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Also one of my favorite material arts films (in the list 36th Chamber of Shaolin, The Raid and

The Raid: 2). I've seen it quite often, but every now and then I put it on together with part 2 which I also like.

The parts after that I like much less.

It's not just the fighting that looks slick, but as mentioned above it also has a good background story (which is based on circumstances that actually happened) which sets it apart from other films of this genre (usually a less compelling story).

Also nice when I just saw that movie that it took me a while to find out that that actor who challenges and smashes all the "Kung-fu Masters" in Foshan (except eventually IP man) plays Riki-Oh in "[i ]Story of Ricky[/i]".

I saw that one a long time ago, but that's just laughing, screaming and roaring entertainment (that final boss who can enlarge and inflate himself, geez I was really doubled up).

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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What an absurdly high average, I really didn't expect that. Not that I really thought the film was bad, because it is skillfully made with beautiful sets, a nice time frame, some nice roles and excellent fight scenes that are also beautifully shot and edited. But the story lends itself to an epic of more than 200 minutes, but is now rather rushed and is very episodic. The film is therefore nowhere compelling or really palpable, while it does have the story and the potential. Unfortunately. The positive points make this a sufficient one. 3.0*.

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The first and best of a total of four films about the life of Yip Man [Donnie Yen], the grand master of Chinese martial arts Wing Chun and later mentor of superstar Bruce Lee. Yip Man wins the respect of the fellow residents of Foshan here by taking on the occupying forces after the invasion by the Japanese in 1937. A good dramatic story that takes the time to portray the appalling conditions and the ruthless attitude of the Japanese. But the best moments are the fights themselves, also because Yen is not a very charismatic actor. However, he can fight superbly!

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