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War Photographer (2001)

Documentary | 96 minutes
3,75 50 votes

Genre: Documentary

Duration: 96 minuten

Country: Switzerland

Directed by: Christian Frei

Stars: James Nachtwey, Christiane Amanpour and Hans-Hermann Klare

IMDb score: 7,9 (4.352)

Releasedate: 1 January 2001


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


War Photographer plot

War photographer James Nachtwey has been on top of everything for twenty years. Director Christian Frei followed him during his work for two years. Nachtwey is in Kosovo while the houses are still burning. In Indonesia, where a beggar family lives between the train tracks, and in Palestine, between the tear gas and the stones hurling young people. The viewer can watch and think along with the moment of the click, while hearing Nachtwey's breathing. The viewer becomes the camera. The difference from the point of view of Frei's camera, a few meters behind Nachtwey, is one of the ways in which the media compares film and photography. In addition to recordings of Nachtwey's activities, Frei extensively shows the resulting photos. In interviews, colleagues describe Nachtwey's special personality. CNN's Christiane Amanpour calls him a "single-minded loner."

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Chief International Correspondent CNN

Foreign Editor STERN Magazine

Editor in Chief GEO SAISON Magazine

Cameraman REUTERS

Jim's Best Friend

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