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Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)

Thriller | 99 minutes
2,94 814 votes

Genre: Thriller / Drama

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Joseph Ruben

Stars: Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin and Kevin Anderson

IMDb score: 6,3 (67.478)

Releasedate: 13 January 1991

Sleeping with the Enemy plot

"She is a stranger in a small town. She changed her name. Her looks. Her life. All to escape the most dangerous man she's ever met. Her husband."

Laura and Martin have been married for about four years. Their lives seem perfect, happy and successful. But looks are deceiving. Martin has loose hands and Laura lives in fear every day. When she finally fakes her own death and manages to escape, she thinks she can start a quieter life. But this turns out not to be so simple.

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I've seen this movie a few times but I still like it. The strange thing is that in the beginning I find the atmosphere a bit similar to a low budget film. But the further you get into the movie, the more exciting it gets. The one that strikes me the most is the character of Martin. Chillingly convincing, that man comes across as a dominant tyrant who abuses his wife both physically and mentally. Very strong. It is especially on the acting that I give such a high score.

The tension that prevails at the end when he manages to find out her address after all this time is also very well put together. I certainly thought it was an impressive film.

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The heavy subject (domestic violence) is in principle an interesting starting point for a drama, but in this case a dated 90s thriller sauce has been poured over it.

Julia Roberts is seen in her prime, and her charisma is not left unexplored; the terrible musical montage with hats takes the cake in that regard.

I actually thought her counterpart (the drama teacher) was just an intrusive creep, so that romance didn't bother me either.

Her husband (Patrick Bergin) was well cast as a nasty narcissist, but the way in which he managed to track her down was coincidental and I thought far-fetched. The climax was mediocre.

Well, to be honest, I expected (even) worse. I thought the music was well used, the tension build-up is okay at times, but otherwise it is a standard thriller from a bygone era.

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Black Math

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Watched because my girlfriend is a fan of Roberts. I've always found her to be of undefined age, but unlike in Pretty Woman, a film from a year ago, I think she looks very young here. In any case, the setting is nice, how she tries to escape her husband who abuses and controls her by faking her death. The sequel, however, is clichéd. Of course he finds her and we end up in a movie sequence that I've seen so many times before. Just think of horrors like Scream, although this never exceeds the thriller level. Only positive is that she shoots him cold-bloodedly. Half an extra for that. 1.5*.

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