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Watchers III (1994)

Horror | 84 minutes
2,25 6 votes

Genre: Horror / Scifi

Duration: 84 minuten

Alternative title: Watchers 3

Country: United States / Peru

Directed by: Jeremy Stanford

Stars: Wings Hauser and Gregory Scott Cummins

IMDb score: 3,7 (882)

Releasedate: 16 November 1994


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Watchers III plot

"The beast is loose. The chase is on."

Two super-intelligent and psychologically linked creatures - Einstein, a golden retriever, and The Outsider, a deformed monster who wants nothing more than to kill - are dropped into the South American jungle as an experiment. A group of ex-servicemen is also sent into the jungle by the American army. They think it is a rescue mission, but it soon becomes apparent that they are part of the experiment. When hunted by The Outsider, the commando team gets help from Einstein to destroy the monster.

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