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The Wrestler (2008)

Drama | 109 minutes
3,65 2.780 votes

Genre: Drama / Sport

Duration: 109 minuten

Country: United States / France

Directed by: Darren Aronofsky

Stars: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei and Evan Rachel Wood

IMDb score: 7,9 (324.129)

Releasedate: 7 September 2008

The Wrestler plot

"Love. Pain. Glory."

In the 1980s, Randy "The Ram" Robinson was a famous professional wrestler. Now, twenty years later, he has to make do with a handful of enthusiasts at shows in gyms and community centers. However, he still gives 100%, but that will cost him dearly; he will have to change his life drastically...

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The Wrestler paints a bleak picture of the world of professional wrestling, or as it is so often called “show wrestling”. Yes, the world of wrestling is often a show, but nevertheless it is one of the most demanding forms of entertainment, with the wrestlers physically broken down at the end of their careers. Although The Wrestler is not based on a true story, the film bears many similarities to the lives of various professional wrestlers. One of these is Jake "The Snake" Roberts, who was a huge star in the Pro-Wrestling world in the 1980s. His career came to a head, however, and Robert's private life was also a mess, whereby he was completely estranged from his only daughter.

The character Randy Robinson also has a similar life story. A big star in the past, but now condemned to beggars, with hardly any friends and seldom contact with his only daughter. It's one of the great downsides of Pro-Wrestling!

Director Aronofsky paints an impressive picture of this world and his documentary-like style is perfect for a film like this. He is supported in this by Mickey Rourke, who gives a tour-de-force as the wrestler who has gone down hill. He was rightfully nominated for an Oscar as Best Actor and the film marked Rourke's definitive comeback as a full-fledged actor.

A beauty of a film with the right dose of drama, humor and action. Bruce Springsteen composed the beautiful song “The Wrestler” for the film.

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“The only place I get hurt is out there. The world don't give a shit about me.”

Beautiful atmospheric drama. The Wrestler was also promoted as the resurrection of Mickey Rourke, and rightly so. He brilliantly manages to play a downtrodden wrestler (Randy 'The Ram' Robinson) who just can't stop.

Longing for the fame of the past that will never return. The wrestling scenes are gruesome, but the quiet scenes in between are also impressive. Especially when Randy's daughter enters the film, the film impresses with some devastating scenes. Perfectly acted by Rourke and Wood. Director Aronofsky has also made the fabulous Black Swan and especially visually he takes it a bit more slowly. The open ending feels a bit abrupt, but that Randy can't let go of wrestling says enough.

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Bit overrated. Entertaining in itself, but on the other hand there are quite a few clichés discussed. Aronofsky also tackles a fairly mainstream film style here. I have never followed wrestling. Looks fake and I think most of it is.

Randy is the perfect example of a social fuck-up. He was never there for his daughter, he barely has any money and he immediately spends everything on lap dances, pills or anything else non-essential. A great man in the ring, but really a good-for-nothing outside it. The ending is a bit unsatisfactory.

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