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Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)

Drama | 103 minutes
3,60 452 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 103 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Woody Allen

Stars: Barbara Hershey, Mia Farrow and Michael Caine

IMDb score: 7,8 (77.558)

Releasedate: 7 February 1986

Hannah and Her Sisters plot

"A story between two Thanksgivings."

At a Thanksgiving party, we meet a troubled family. Actress Hannah and Elliot are happily married. It is Hannah's second marriage, after the failure to Mickey, a hypochondriac and unsuccessful actor. Holly is her neurotic sister, who cannot earn a living as an actress. Lee is her emotional younger sister who has an affair with the misanthropic old artist Frederick. Then Elliot and Lee have an affair, and Hannah senses something is wrong with her marriage. Lee leaves Frederick, and Holly meets Mickey, Hannah's ex.

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avatar van N00dles


  • 570 messages
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A typical Woody movie, although (like most Woody's from the 80's and 90's) it doesn't match the level of Annie Hall and Manhattan. But hey, it's Woody in his heyday, so a fun viewing experience either way.

The cast is impressive, with many familiar names. Michael Caine, Dianne Wiest, Carrie Fisher, Max von Sydow. The only thing that seemed a bit out of place was Woody's role, which seemed a bit disconnected from the rest of the story. His scenes were some of the funniest in the movie (with some genius quotes), but that's not to say the more dramatic scenes weren't good. Woody's writing takes the whole thing to the next level.

I did find it all a bit dusty and dated; not only the decoration of sets and clothing, but also those eternal jazzy tunes with which Woody intersperses his films. Every now and then I had the idea of watching a 70's movie.

In short, certainly one of the better ones in his oeuvre, but not a masterpiece.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Still a successful Woody Allen with one of his better productions. Now and then he gets involved in unsophisticated nonsense films, but here he strikes the right chord. Not as good as say Manhattan, but certainly more than decent. This is partly due to Woody Allen himself. I found his character very captivating. Tragic and funny at the same time how he goes through life as a hypochondriac. It was the common comic thread through the film.

In addition, it all revolved around Hannah, an actress who (seems to be) doing well. Less can be said of her sisters who lead a less stable life. Only Hannah doesn't always realize that. The intrigues are well developed and especially the dialogues and elaborate characters catch the eye, something that is not illogical for a Woody Allen. The editing and the smoothness of the film were also excellent.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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A quintessential Allen film, which fans will surely love. He doesn't reach the level of Annie Halle or Manhattan, but the dialogues and characters are typical for him. The film is not always cohesive and even though they are discussed extensively, the sisters are not completely in the foreground. And most scenes with Woody Allen are a bit on the sidelines in terms of story. The humor is quite good and the film has an impressive cast. Because in addition to the sisters (Mia Farrow, Barbara Hersey and Dianne Wiest) and their partners (Allen, Cain and Max von Sydow), there are also roles for Carrie Fisher, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Julie Kavner (Marge Simpson) and Hollywood legend Maureen O' Sullivan (Jane from the 30s film Tarzan the Ape Man) who is also the mother of Mia Farrow.

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