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Short Cuts (1993)

Drama | 187 minutes
3,73 643 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 187 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Robert Altman

Stars: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Robbins and Robert Downey Jr.

IMDb score: 7,6 (48.363)

Releasedate: 5 September 1993


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Short Cuts plot

"Short Cuts raises the roof on America."

Some ordinary people in Los Angeles should be shaken up from their daily routine. A mother earns extra money with a telephone sex line that includes her son. An elderly singer has a drinking problem. A housewife doesn't want to ruin her son's birthday. Three men find a body and decide to go fishing for a week before going to the police. Everyone is ready for change.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Ann Finnigan

Howard Finnigan

Paul Finnigan

Casey Finnigan

Marian Wyman

Dr. Ralph Wyman

Claire Kane

Stuart Kane

Jerry Kaiser

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I like those mosaic films by Robert Altman more and more. Well, it really is his genre. In the first half hour it is a bit of a search with no less than 22 characters. But then the storylines are explained and before you know it you are in a nice film with a length of no less than 3 hours and it continues to be fascinating. A bit soapy and artificial, yes, but that is typical of these kinds of films.

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“I hate LA All they do is snort coke and talk.”

Great movie from Robert Altman. Short Cuts has a long playing time and at certain moments it does take its revenge, but the problems and everyday worries of a number of characters remain interesting to follow. The images of summertime Los Angels are also beautiful, and Altman's direction provides an almost hypnotic effect. Not all characters are equally interesting (Tim Robbins, Madeleine Stowe and Julianne Moore are clearly the strongest), and how it all comes together depends on coincidences. You know that in advance with these kinds of films, and it didn't really bother you.

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