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The Last Waltz (1978)

Documentary | 117 minutes
3,79 305 votes

Genre: Documentary / Music

Duration: 117 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Martin Scorsese

Stars: Robbie Robertson, Rick Danko and Levon Helm

IMDb score: 8,1 (21.009)

Releasedate: 1 May 1978

The Last Waltz plot

"It Started as a Concert. It Became a Celebration."

Recording of the last concert of the legendary 'The Band', with quite a few famous music friends and a real orchestra. Eric Clapton, Muddy Waters, Bob Dylan, Dr. John and Neil Diamond make an appearance. The concert material is interspersed with images of rehearsals and interviews with the various band members.

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  • 814 messages
  • 20367 votes

The grumpy grumpy Van Morrison who even goes dancing. A concert that at all

melancholy with all those great names from the past, that all brotherhood and

radiates unity. That made me pleasantly warm. And with none

dissonant: All the artists who make an appearance here as a tribute to The Band, make

impression. Highlights can hardly be mentioned. An impressive registration, formidable

portrayed by Scorsese. And what a visible pleasure the members of The Band also experience

at this farewell concert. Heart warming. A unique experience, and probably one of its kind

will never be equaled.

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Hiccups for a long time, but because I just want to have seen everything Scorsese's, I decided to set it up anyway. Ultimately not really my thing, I would have liked for example less music and more interview fragments, but this is a very special concert registration. Atmospheric and intimate, with an excellent performing The Band. And what an impressive, relentless parade of guest singers and singers, almost incomprehensible.

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Roger Thornhill

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Seen for the umpteenth time: the farewell concert of one of my favorite bands ever, with several other favorite artists as guests, including my number 1, and the registration of it directed by a favorite director. Can hardly go wrong, and it does not. Now re-watched after reading Robbie Robertson's autobiography and re-reading Barney Hoskyns' book about The Band, and then it becomes a feast of recognition. Not all my favorite songs are covered, and some performances are less interesting than others, but as a whole this is a beautiful document of a unique event.

Surprisingly, for a group that has so much respect for music from the past (including black rhythm & blues and early rock & roll), there are only two black artists to be seen: the Staple Singers get a separate stage at The weight , and only Muddy Waters has been invited to the concert itself (and he doesn't even make it as far as I can tell – he may not have been quite comfortable between all these white superstars from the seventies?).

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