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Pretty Woman (1990)

Comedy | 119 minutes / 125 minutes (director's cut)
3,26 2.071 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 119 minuten / 125 minuten (director's cut)

Country: United States

Directed by: Garry Marshall

Stars: Richard Gere, Julia Roberts and Jason Alexander

IMDb score: 7,1 (373.000)

Releasedate: 23 March 1990

Pretty Woman plot

"She walked off the street, into his life and stole his heart."

Rich businessman Edward (Gere) takes the hooker Vivian (Roberts) to his hotel. He is so enamored with her that he hires her for his entire stay in Los Angeles. They learn a lot from each other. Edward how to be a better person and Vivian how to behave like a lady. They fall in love, but a relationship between them is of course impossible... or not?

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No matter how many times you watch this classic, it remains fun. Julia Roberts is probably playing the best part of her life and Richard Gere just looks macho. Great comedy with an excellent soundtrack. One of the biggest blockbusters in the early 90s. 5 stars, a score that few comedies are awarded.

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I don't think I've ever seen the movie before, or it must have been so long ago that I don't remember anything about it. Somewhere in my brain this film is entwined with Working Girl (especially with the song Lady in Red). If you see the link, let me know, I'm curious too

Richard Gere, but especially Julia Roberts, I normally find quite insufferable, in this film that is not so bad. Bit hard to explain why. Maybe because Gere is a bit loose in the beginning and Roberts doesn't behave completely slutty either. It makes their relationship just that little bit more acceptable than if it needed an even bigger turnaround.

Visually it is still quite 80s, the soundtrack also fits well in that picture. Not exactly my thing, although I would rather choose the Roxette song than the title song. It's not really well-directed either, it's all pretty well-behaved and unobtrusive, but Marshall still manages to keep some momentum and light-heartedness in it, even where you don't always expect it.

That's what ultimately makes this film portable, despite the fact that 2 hours is quite a bit too long for the simple story. The plot may be extremely predictable and Gere's career is really dull for a movie like this, but there is some chemistry between the two. Add to that some feel-good side characters (the hotel manager, among others) and you have a film that occasionally hides a smile. It's not much more than that, though.


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“I want the fairy tale.”

Chemistry is something elusive. It can make or break a movie, and Pretty Woman has hit a home run on that front. Gere and Roberts have an almost natural chemistry and the two of them ensure that Pretty Woman remains enjoyable. Because story-wise, the film is not very special and the ending is cliché. But Gere and Roberts know how to sell it all. Roberts also knows how to create a strong character with Vivian that you easily get a soft spot for. Gere is underestimated and manages to give color to a monotonous role. The iconic music tops it off.

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