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Igby Goes Down (2002)

Comedy | 98 minutes
3,08 256 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 98 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Burr Steers

Stars: Kieran Culkin, Claire Danes and Ryan Phillippe

IMDb score: 6,8 (36.019)

Releasedate: 13 September 2002

Igby Goes Down plot

"Insanity is relative."

Igby Slocumb, a rebellious 17-year-old boy, is constantly at war with his family. He thinks there must be something better in life, and decides to look for it. He ends up in the bohemian underworld of Manhattan.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jason "Igby" Slocumb, Jr.

Sookie Sapperstein

Oliver "Ollie" Slocumb

Jason Slocumb

Mimi Slocumb

10-Year-Old Igby

13-Year-Old Oliver

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  • 754 messages
  • 424 votes

Hmmmm, I expected this to be a hilarious Comedy but the opposite was true, this is a depressing semi-comedic film about the pains of a growing up and rebellious teenager.

Such films can be very good, but this one is only half successful.
The first hour was really disappointing, especially when Igby seems to have stolen Sookie's heart after a lot of effort , they have sex for several weeks and get along very well and then see that young woman casually with his brother start living, what a bitch !

Actually, no character comes out positive, both the women and the men in this film are of the kind that I try to avoid as much as possible in real life, lucky me

Still worth seeing when they play it on TV
The last 30 minutes I thought it was going to be pretty good
but don't expect a compelling film that will stay with you for a long time.

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Good film about a boy who kicks everything and has a rather different view of the world. The film has a rather rocky start, and a real line is nowhere to be found. But the characters are getting more and more interesting. Dry comic with a sharp edge. Also a nice cast.

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Indeed an annoying film about a rich louse son played by the annoying Kieran Culkin (it apparently runs in the family after all). The story isn't really about anything and it doesn't really captivate. There are a few nice scenes in between and that's about it. I was really only able to watch the movie because of the beauty in the movie in the form of Claire Danes, Amanda Peet and even Susan Sarandon. It also features quite a few well-known actors and actresses such as Jeff Goldblum, Jeff Goldblum and the aforementioned Susan Sarandon. These old-timers saved the film to some extent, but it wasn't much. The film is from 2002 but had more similarities with the 90s.

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