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Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei (2004)

Drama | 127 minutes
3,72 754 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 127 minuten

Alternative title: The Edukators

Country: Germany / Austria

Directed by: Hans Weingartner

Stars: Daniel Brühl, Julia Jentsch and Stipe Erceg

IMDb score: 7,4 (32.633)

Releasedate: 25 October 2004


Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei plot

"Every heart is a revolutionary cell."

Jan, Peter and Jule are in their rebellious years. They are friends because of their passion to make the world a better place, without violence. Complications follow when Jule falls in love with both boys and completely misses one of their playful actions.

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  • 101 messages
  • 99 votes

The more I see this movie, the more I like it. Intelligent film, good dialogue, makes you think.
Nice to see how the victim cleverly integrates into the commune in the mountains, and how to play his captors apart. Interesting, more than explainable, ending. It's in the eye of the beholder I suspect, the end of the film doesn't really give a definitive answer.
Very good, 4*.

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Vidi well

  • 519 messages
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Years ago I saw this movie and every now and then it pops up in my memory. Still a sign that the film has made a good impression somewhere. I was in my early 20s, convinced politically left, so this film should be right up my alley. But although I underlined the anti-capitalist ideals of these rioting young people, I was regularly annoyed by their destructive behavior.
The breaking in is obviously not acceptable (even if they don't steal anything), but I also vaguely remember someone scratching a car and well... that's just not right.
I understand the frustration, but that's no excuse for vandalism. Just because you're a victim doesn't mean that others have to suffer, that's not a solution.
This irritated me especially with these main characters, while the film itself conveys an interesting message. But now I ended up siding more with the capitalists they detest so much than with the poor but vandalistic victims of the system.
It's a shame about the elaboration, but definitely a film that will stick for a while.


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