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Das Leben der Anderen (2006)

Drama | 137 minutes
4,02 3.720 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 137 minuten

Alternative title: The Lives of Others

Country: Germany

Directed by: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck

Stars: Ulrich Mühe, Sebastian Koch and Martina Gedeck

IMDb score: 8,4 (415.037)

Releasedate: 15 March 2006

Das Leben der Anderen plot

"Before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, East Germany's Secret Police Listened to Your Secrets."

In November 1984, law-abiding Stasi agent Wiesler (Ulrich Mühe) is assigned to shadow the successful playwright Georg Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) and his life partner Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedeck). Wiesler is confronted with the strange world of love, literature and free thought, which makes him realize the futility of his existence. The more he comes into contact with this new world, the greater the realization grows that the Stasi also severely limits his own life.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Christa-Maria Sieland

Gerd Wiesler

Georg Dreyman

Anton Grubitz

Bruno Hempf

Albert Jerska

Gregor Hessenstein

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Although I know much more about the German period before and during the interwar period, the period after is much less known to me. This film provided me with a clear and realistic picture of the working methods of the Stasi. Improbable, in fact, how a government apparatus could exert such influence and censorship on the population. Really no one can be trusted and the paranoia on the one hand and the betrayal on the other is dripping. Sometimes it's in the details: such as the opening scene in which that one student dared to ask a critical question or in the elevator with that little boy with the ball or the incident with Dreyman's neighbor ...

Very strong film that, in addition to the excellent acting and brilliant atmosphere, presents a realistic historical picture of how the GDR functioned (and ruled) over a period of about 35 years. Although we can hardly imagine what it was like back then, this film makes you think about our freedoms and free expression. We are all familiar with the images of that Wende, but what exactly was behind it is truly hallucinatory. Only 28 years ago, unbelievable actually...

The ending was also great. The drama dripped from the main character. You actually took pity and the ending was touching. Wiesler therefore touched me more than Dreyman himself. Nice decor too. The Eastern Bloc culture shines through, ugly gray boring houses and streets, those typical old and probably more than decent cars. Beautiful!

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The Life of the Others

Splendid. I don't use the word perfect quickly, but Das Leben der Anderen deserves it. The film impressively shows what life in the former GDR was like. And that not so long ago (1984). Mistrust, suspicion, betrayal, the suffocating effect of communism (East Germans talk about 'socialism'), it is repulsive but at the same time fascinating to watch.

The heart of the film is the contrast between the lives of Hauptmann Wiesler (Muhe) on the one hand and Christa-Maria Sieland (Gedeck) and Dreyman (Koch) on the other, and the way in which Wiesler becomes increasingly fascinated in the duo's free life. Despite the slow pace, the tension is palpable in every scene and director Von Donnersmarck deserves all the credit for his razor-sharp direction and script. Eavesdropping on someone has never looked so exciting. And the actors with Muhe, Koch and Gedeck in the front are unparalleled. The atmospheric ending completes this German masterpiece.

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This is one of those rare works that does everything right. I still can't get over it. This is such a beautiful movie! Who does not make stereotypes of his characters, who manages to capture an extremely difficult subject in a somewhat light-hearted way. A film that softens the "hard" reality without becoming bland or unbelievable. Americans could never make such a subtle film that simultaneously shows how every individual in the GDR could be subject to heavy censorship.

I could write a whole book about it. But that is not necessary, everything about this film is just right and if you cannot appreciate this film, it is better to stop watching the film. A masterpiece I cannot say otherwise. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie.

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