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Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)

Comedy | 122 minutes
4,01 5.723 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 122 minuten

Alternative title: Amélie

Country: France / Germany

Directed by: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Stars: Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz and Dominique Pinon

IMDb score: 8,3 (813.086)

Releasedate: 25 April 2001

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain plot

"One person can change your life forever."

Amélie is looking for love and the meaning of life. She is a waitress in the center of Montmartre, where she interacts with her neighbors and customers, as well as a mysterious photo collector. Slowly Amélie realizes that the road to happiness will not reveal itself by itself, but that she will have to show initiative for it. She finds her happiness by making an effort for the happiness of others.

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You sometimes have those movies that you apparently liked, but you don't have the faintest idea why. The advantage of this is that you can actually experience a great film again. So it was with me for Amelie; I couldn't remember anything about it, so right from the opening scene - when I was immersed with those beautiful images, iconic music and wonderful voice-over - I got a smile on my face that did not disappear for the entire playing time. It was nice to see a film again that differs from the straightforward three acts as we mainly know them, the film feels - in a positive way - fragmented with all kinds of short segments and colorful characters that are still one whole. Main line is Amélie, a fantastic character, who, despite her shyness, still manages to influence everyone's life and make it more beautiful. I thought the film would be sweet and very well-behaved. It's sweet, but thanks to the absurdism, the elements of fantasy and the sex jokes, it's not as good as I first thought. Conclusion; Amélie is beautiful, both the movie and the character.

4.5 stars.

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Thank God for the 'abnormal' human being. JP Jeunet sketches a bizarre world with only crazy and unstable characters, and fortunately, because what a wonderful absurdist display 'Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain' is

The film, so to speak, is characterized by its crazy characters, some even more foolish, crazier, more twisted than the other and some with bizarre thresholds, hobbies and headaches. What is especially striking is the storytelling style with the voice-over that explains everything in great detail, so that taps and certain actions stand out even more and come across as absurd. Like I said, thank god for the "crazy" human being because that's what makes the movie, along with the endearing. slightly frumpy and cute Amelie who works her way between all these people, and does very special and fun things to get the others out of their comfort zone, to create a little faith in herself again, or else simply to loosen up a bit . The whole riddle surrounding the bald man is fun, how she keeps Nino on a leash again a little less, of course it can be established that although she does pull everyone else's life out of the doldrums, that does not determine how realize with her own.

Furthermore, the film is a sight to behold. Wonderfully portrayed, beautiful color filters and shots of city and home, the dreamy and sensitive music of Yann Tiersen, the script is good, the actors are great, the characters are beautifully developed so that you are also curious about everyone's story and what is going to come. Amelie is without a doubt a gem in every way, stylish, a great product and, if a lover of feel good and a touch of romance, a home run in all respects for the viewer.

Nice movie, without a doubt.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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Time for a review. Last year I visited Paris where I was able to visit the cafe from the film. And of course many other recognizable places that you will come across as a tourist. But it did make me look up the movie again.

The film radiates a dreamy world of the insecure Amélie who had little social contact in her youth. She enjoys the little things and lives in a small world. Literally and figuratively actually. The film is mainly playful, not so much aimed at romance. But with colorful figures, the fantasy that regularly runs wild and that in the well-known summer colors of director Jeunet. Also less strange than his usual films, but a bit more playful. The pace is quite good with a light-hearted story that whirls past striking characters who each have their own story.

It's hard to get into the characters themselves and I sometimes miss the real romance. But at the same time you are in the film and you really enjoy Amélie's life. I wanted to sit in the cafe with a cup of coffee to come and see the whole spectacle live. Delicious!

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