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Good Bye Lenin! (2003)

Comedy | 121 minutes
3,67 2.268 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 121 minuten

Alternative title: Goodbye Lenin!

Country: Germany

Directed by: Wolfgang Becker

Stars: Daniel Brühl, Katrin Saß and Chulpan Khamatova

IMDb score: 7,7 (155.622)

Releasedate: 13 February 2003

Good Bye Lenin! plot

October 1989 was a bad time to go into a coma when living in East Germany - and this is exactly what happens with Alex's mother, an activist for social advancement and improving the well-being of people in socialist East Germany. Alex has a big problem on his hands when his mother suddenly wakes up after eight months. Her heart is so weak, any shock could be fatal. And what could be more shocking than the fall of the Berlin Wall and the triumph of capitalism in her beloved country? To save his mother, Alex turns the apartment where they live into an island in the past, a kind of socialist museum, where his mother is lovingly told that nothing has changed. What starts as a small lie gets more and more out of hand when Alex's mother, who feels better every day, wants to watch TV and even leaves her bed one day.

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avatar van FlorisV


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Very sympathetic and moving film with a fantastic lead role by Daniel Bruhl. With funny jokes, even when it comes to DDR propaganda. It's great that you can come up with something like this, where both left and right have enough to laugh.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Christiane is a single mother after her husband flees to the other side of the Wall without a boo. She then clung to her life on the other side of the Wall and acts obligingly to the GDR. Alex, her son, works for more freedom and takes part in protest marches. He is arrested just before the fall of the Wall. Christiane witnesses this action and promptly suffers a heart attack and falls into a coma. During her coma, the Wall falls and when she wakes up, she must remain free from stress. Alex decides to keep the fall of the Wall a secret from her...

Good bye Lenin has an absurd, but at the same time humorous and moving plot. Capitalism invades the former GDR and is beautifully portrayed (CocaCola and Burger King everywhere). CocaCola is even part of communism according to the plot! The longing for the free West was great among many, but at the same time the film makes it clear that it is not so obvious for them to turn their back on the nostalgic heimat.

Another fine German film with excellent acting and a fascinating original script. Nice atmosphere setting too and also chapeau to keep a heavy theme light and still maintain a certain quality.

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Special and original dramedy about a son who tries to hide the change from his mother. Cinematography: typical socialist images before and during that Wende and scenes played after that Wende (both inside and outside). The film is set in Berlin. Music: moody and slightly sad. Actors play well, natural and realistic. Son and mother carry the film for the most part.

Alex takes care of his mother from the hospital at home and tries with all his might to hide the fall of the wall from her. This news would bring too many tensions and health risks. At a certain point, Alex becomes entangled in his own acting, which is no longer sustainable. Mother's confession and the reunion with his father was painful. Everything turned out to be a little trickier than expected.

The film is a real dramedy with a few slightly comedic moments. The film does not pass judgment on whether that Wende was right or wrong for the GDR. It does show that people in the Eastern Bloc could also be happy. Communism had drawbacks, but also a few advantages. The social ideology did not leave anyone behind, provided you did not try to be 'different'. Still, I think that free travel and our free speech is a great good that we should always stand up for!

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