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Ghost World (2001)

Comedy | 111 minutes
3,54 1.217 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Germany

Directed by: Terry Zwigoff

Stars: Thora Birch, Scarlett Johansson and Steve Buscemi

IMDb score: 7,3 (128.457)

Releasedate: 20 July 2001

Ghost World plot

"Accentuate the negative."

Ghost World is a film about quirky teenagers Enid and Rebecca. After graduation, they are convinced that they will realize their ideals. They have had enough of modern America with shopping malls and massive eateries. With their cynicism they spare no one and think they are ready for the adult world. However, their life doesn't look great. Dirty jobs alternate with hopeless loves. Rebecca becomes a waitress at the local coffee shop to pay her rent. Enid comes into contact with the quirky Seymour and plunges into a remarkable love affair. In the struggle to unravel the mystery of adulthood, Enid and Rebecca struggle with their identities and the promises they made to each other long ago.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Awesome movie. In addition to the appearance, the film actually has something to say.

Great roles, especially from Birch (the more unappealing she makes Zoch, the better she looks, but that aside) and the always good Buscemi. Johansson had less to contribute, but her appearance itself already provides the necessary input. In addition, beautifully and quietly filmed and a good score.

Then the content. Where is the title. I read somewhere that it mainly had to do with the fact that life is out of the city, only large neon signs and the gray masses. A ghost town, as it were, without any people. An indictment of a changing and chilling society. Two wonderful examples are the man looking for 8 1/2 and the 50's style restaurant in which the waiter introduces himself by first name. A real person, not a number. As before. A nice message, I think.

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Excellent story - and flawlessly portrayed on almost every level - about two idiosyncratic teenagers cynically critical of society and the individual, one of whom even works destructively and eventually ends up in isolation and late realizes that just like the abolished regular bus that does pass by, even before a change in her views imposes itself.
A life-lesson story beautifully performed by the entire cast. To be remembered above all is the versatile class of Steve Buscemi and the convincing lead role of Thora Birch, which we don't get to see much otherwise.
If this film can be placed under the "coming-on-age" films, then this is one of the very best.

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Pleasant fresh film with quite a bit of black humor and well thought out characters. Two bored teenagers (Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson), one of whom (Thora Birch) is quite retro, don't care about anything and tease an old geek (Steve Buscemi) who collects records and is looking for a relationship. Thora Birch's character becomes interested in him. There really isn't much more plot, but that is more than enough to get to know the sharp and sometimes clashing personalities as a viewer. The three protagonists carry with their interactions this fine comedy that looks away very smoothly. 3.5*

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