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Waterhole #3 (1967)

Western | 95 minutes
3,15 17 votes

Genre: Western / Comedy

Duration: 95 minuten

Alternative titles: Waterhole No. 3 / Waterhole Three

Country: United States

Directed by: William A. Graham

Stars: James Coburn, Carroll O'Connor and Margaret Blye

IMDb score: 6,1 (1.658)

Releasedate: 10 October 1967

Waterhole #3 plot

"This is the West as it really was. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!"

Lewtone Cole (James Coburn) is a slick villain who gets hold of a dollar bill with a treasure map drawn on it. The treasure turns out to be US-Army gold stolen by a deserter with two accomplices. On his way to the site, Cole assaults Billee, Sheriff John Copperud's daughter, and steals his best horse. As more and more people hunt for the gold, Billee has her own plan.

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