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Telefon (1977)

Action | 102 minutes
3,21 168 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 102 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Don Siegel

Stars: Charles Bronson, Lee Remick and Donald Pleasence

IMDb score: 6,5 (6.382)

Releasedate: 16 December 1977


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Telefon plot

"They'll do anything to stop Telefon. The operation that can trigger 51 human time bombs."

Nicolai Dalchimski, a crazy KGB agent steals a notebook full of the names of secret KGB agents who were sent to the US in the 1950s. These agents are given their assignments under hypnosis so that they can't remember their task until a line is read from them. a Robert Frost poem. Dalchimski flees to the US and starts calling these agents, after which they carry out their sabotage missions on military targets. Unable to make this crisis public to the US government, the Russians are sending Colonel Borzov, a military intelligence officer, to track down and eliminate Dalchimski before his actions spark a war.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Major Grigori Borzov

Nicolai Dalchimsky

Dorothy Putterman

Colonel Malchenko

General Strelsky

Marie Wills

Doug Stark

Harry Bascom

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  • 5046 messages
  • 7150 votes

Absolutely fantastic this Cold War thriller by Don Siegel.

Charles Bronson is a good fit here as a KGB agent who is sent to the US to clean up the mess left by an old commercial plan.

Deranged KGB agent Donald Pleasence "awakens" sleeping Soviet agents who then go on a suicide mission.

102 minutes of suspense without a single boring moment and a nice nostalgia for the time when Russians were still just scary and weird.

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Quite a nice action thriller with a nice idea that is really worked out for me. It is a plus that the activities of those sleeper agents are shown extensively and that the hunt for Dalchimski does not get full attention. Otherwise you would just have a very ordinary detective story with all the clichés that follow. The chemistry between Bronson and Remick was not there and the final confrontation is a bit disappointing. The ending is also poorly worked out when Remick does not carry out her assignment and just makes a quick phone call to her boss with Bronson at her side. That way you also do not know the decisions of the Russian bosses because they could think that Bronson still has the list (which Bronson eventually tears up) and could jeopardize their careers.


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  • 12121 messages
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Nice film in which a number of sleeping secret agents from Russia become active after a phone call. A fine setup, but it sometimes gets a bit repetitive. Reasonably entertaining, but the film has not stood the test of time. The pace is sometimes too slow for that and it does not really want to become exciting.

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