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Le Silencieux (1973)

Thriller | 117 minutes
3,59 39 votes

Genre: Thriller / Drama

Duration: 117 minuten

Alternative titles: Escape to Nowhere / The Great Manhunt / The Silent One

Country: France / Italy

Directed by: Claude Pinoteau

Stars: Lino Ventura, Leo Genn and Suzanne Flon

IMDb score: 6,9 (1.100)

Releasedate: 10 February 1973


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Le Silencieux plot

"Hitchcock himself is finally rivalled."

A French scientist was kidnapped by the Russians sixteen years earlier and put to work in a physics laboratory. As a member of a scientific delegation in London, he is kidnapped by the British secret service because they want to know the names of English traitors. With that he is free, but the KGB is now after him and the link with the past in France appears to be barely recovering.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Clément Tibère

Chief of M.I.5

The Assistant

Agent of the D.S.T.

Police Commissioner

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  • 8050 messages
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A popular film subject, especially in the 1970s: the Cold War and the espionage associated with it.

In any case, Claude Pinoteau made a well-received work of it for his first feature film as director (previously he was only co-director).

Clear and concise, with clever, atmospheric suspense and action scenes.

Lino Ventura, normally quite taciturn, is offered the role of a hunted man for whom true freedom seems unattainable and he delivers one of his best acting performances here.

Excellent film in its genre, without sensationalism, useless scenes, or anything.

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Mwah... average movie where the story has little to offer and especially in the beginning and towards the end has a boring effect. The chase scenes are good and the movie gives a nice picture of the time with especially the cars that stand out. Lino Ventura plays his role cool, but the movie has too few noteworthy scenes to come out above average. 6/10

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Because Ventura played the lead role, I went to see it with some expectations. Unfortunately, I found it disappointing: a confusing and rather unbelievable story, a few weak chases and this time a kind of "Ventura light". No, let him just play the macho, suits him better...

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