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Nope (2022)

Scifi | 130 minutes
3,07 780 votes

Genre: Scifi / Horror

Duration: 130 minuten

Country: United States / Canada / Japan

Directed by: Jordan Peele

Stars: Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer and Steven Yeun

IMDb score: 6,8 (282.111)

Releasedate: 20 July 2022

Nope plot

"What’s a bad miracle?"

'Nope' follows some residents of the lonely California outback canyon. They are involved as horse trainers in the making of a new film project. They then witness a grisly and horrifying discovery.

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Emerald Haywood

Angel Torres

Ricky 'Jupe' Park

Antlers Holst

Ryder Muybridge

Bonnie Clayton

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Drulko Vlaschjan

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Nice that there is some symbolism in the film here and there, as The philosopher argues, but that doesn't make it a memorable film as far as I'm concerned. The story was rather thin, the plot twists quite random and it didn't want to be really exciting, funny or scary.

I was also somewhat critical about Get Out and Us. They were too explanatory for me, didn't really dare to challenge the viewer. But those are films that are still on my retina. I suspect I will soon forget Nope. Entertainment with an entertainment factor that is too low, and hardly anything to think about. setback.

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Haha, this was fine, especially of course because of the very calm build-up instead of the usual Hollywood drowsiness to throw everything in right away. That's why there were so many WTF moments.

The millennials, of course, can no longer stand such cinematic art and must immediately be piled up with events because otherwise they will look at their phones. Shame.

How the story unfolds after that is quite bizarre and really makes you wonder what's coming next, and this really isn't my genre.

Peele is a kind of Shyamalan in his younger years, nice that they are still there.

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Pure ervaringscinema, er hangt een constante dreiging in de film.