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Threads (1984)

Drama | 114 minutes
3,80 173 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 114 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Mick Jackson

Stars: Karen Meagher, Reece Dinsdale and David Brierly

IMDb score: 8,0 (23.887)

Releasedate: 23 September 1984

Threads plot

"The closest you'll ever want to come to nuclear war."

The Kemp family and the Beckett family live in Sheffield. One day they hear that a world war could start, and indeed the nuclear bombs soon fall. Both families try to survive in the post-nuclear era, but it is not easy.

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  • 49 messages
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I am from 1961 and I still remember so well the atmosphere in Western Europe in the 1970s ... the brochure "What to do after a nuclear attack". In the basement, if available, there are mattresses against the wall to protect against the fall. -out to be protected". I don't remember anything more than that, but with very politically active parents... I didn't understand at all what everyone was worried about, but I felt the ATMOSPHERE OF FEAR around me 24/7. In 1984 this was film, in addition to a "mandatory film", a flash back from 10 years before... And coincidentally my family name is also KEMP... NOW I am Mrs. Kemp myself. And 40 years later almost the same threat, but NEVER want to I have NEVER felt that atmosphere around me again!! PM Theresa May has clearly never seen this film.

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At the time I thought this was a lot more impressive than the Day after, which came out about a year earlier. Threads was a bit closer to home, and unwanted, young pregnant in a Northern English (Sheffield in this case) industrial city with constant unemployment. lurking was depressing enough in itself. And if the Third World War also breaks out, including a nuclear attack on Britain, well then the prospects are not exactly rosy.

I especially thought the structure was very strong, through news fragments you see the situation in the world slowly but surely escalating and the gray images of Sheffield, where the daily affairs of the main characters are not too bright anyway, contribute to a gloomy and increasingly desolate atmosphere.

Well done by the makers despite the visible, small budget. The accompanying acting is not high-quality for a moment, but that hardly detracts from the power of Threads' message.

And when the nuclear attack is finally launched, the tenor of the film only becomes more miserable, a kind of visual torture for the viewer, but the goal of the author(s) and director has long since been achieved... Stay in Get rid of that button for God's sake.

Impressive film that hits like a hammer blow.

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Good film in which the residents of Sheffield prepare for a possible nuclear attack. Obviously a lot more current at the time, but the first half does give an excellent picture of the times. The second half is more documentary-like, painting a terrifying picture of the disastrous consequences of a nuclear attack.

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