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Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco (1981)

Drama | 122 minutes
3,73 99 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 122 minuten

Alternative title: Het Recht van de Zwakste

Country: Brazil

Directed by: Hector Babenco

Stars: Fernando Ramos da Silva, Jorge Julião and Gilberto Moura

IMDb score: 7,9 (9.726)

Releasedate: 26 September 1980

Pixote: A Lei do Mais Fraco plot

"They can't outrun the law of the weakest."

Story about the criminal street thugs that populate the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Pixote is about 10 years old and ends up in a correctional house after one of the many raids. Humiliation, corruption and abuse are the order of the day here. After Pixote and his buddies make a deal with a prostitute to rob her clients, things only go downhill.

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