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Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

Romance | 94 minutes
3,80 379 votes

Genre: Romance / Drama

Duration: 94 minuten

Alternative title: Sunrise

Country: United States

Directed by: F.W. Murnau

Stars: George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor and Margaret Livingston

IMDb score: 8,1 (54.318)

Releasedate: 4 November 1927

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans plot

""An artistic masterpiece and also a joy to watch.""

A beautiful city girl goes to take a breather in the countryside and makes a simple young peasant head spin. Problem: He's already married. The girl from the town urges him to drown his wife...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

The Man (Anses)

The Wife (Indre)

The Woman from the City

The Photographer

The Manicure Girl

The Obtrusive Gentleman

The Obliging Gentleman

Streetcar Conductor (uncredited)

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Sergio Leone

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But that ending! The final chord, well, the last 20 minutes, still hurt the film. After more than an hour of inventive cinema, it still bleeds to death. One suddenly loses the pedals and where there was pace, surprise and charm, some elongated scenes take their place.

A shame, because there was more to this for me. The film is really well put together, and even though they are dated in the meantime, the technical tricks look fresh for a silent from a century ago.


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Nice surprise.

I never really saw Sunrise as a monumental film in cinema history. I knew it existed and got good reviews, I just didn't expect the film to be ahead of its time. In that respect, this film reminds me a bit of Metropolis, but that film can hardly be matched by 1920s films.

Sunrise is especially interesting because it has exceptionally good camera movements for such an old film, supported by strong effects that are also ahead of its time. Not that the film is very spectacular, but towards the final you get to see a number of scenes that even modern people can still admire, and that means that it has become a successful result.

The acting in this film is predictably theatrical and many scenes are performed with grand gestures. However, I found O'Brien to deliver a rather awkward performance. Gaynor, on the other hand, knows just the right look for her role. Vulnerable and innocent, it's not easy to act with gestures, but she does it very well.

Furthermore, Sunrise is not a very innovative romantic film that actually has nothing to offer in that area. The film only gets really impressive as it approaches the second half. Also a remarkably great film for that time, so the effects and extras stand out even more. Sunrise looks really good.

It is also a pity that the film is quite long and does not actually show anything innovative in terms of content. For analysis and educational reasons, this film is a must see, those who come for an in-depth story will likely be disappointed. That exaggerated way of acting is part of that time, but I will never like it to be honest. Furthermore, from a cinematographic point of view, above average.

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