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Du Rififi chez les Hommes (1955)

Crime | 118 minutes
3,87 367 votes

Genre: Crime / Filmnoir

Duration: 118 minuten

Alternative title: Rififi

Country: France

Directed by: Jules Dassin

Stars: Jean Servais, Carl Möhner and Robert Manuel

IMDb score: 8,1 (37.644)

Releasedate: 13 April 1955


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Du Rififi chez les Hommes plot

"...Means Trouble!"

When Tony le Stéphanois is released from prison, he is angry at his girlfriend's infidelity, leading him to return to his friends Jo le Suedois and Mario Farrati. Together they decide to stage a major robbery of a major jewelry store, enlisting the help of Italian safes expert Cesar le Milanais. Their plan seems perfect, but there are things they overlook.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Tony le Stéphanois

Jo le Suedois

Mario Ferrati

Louis Grutter aka Louis le Tatoué

Rémi Grutter

Pierre Grutter

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Very ordinary heist movie. This is probably one of the films that laid the foundation for the genre, but such films do consume a bit of tension (especially the core heist films) and that is not really in it anymore. Everything goes perfectly as you expect, then 120 minutes is quite a long time.

It's all a bit corny, of course. With chisels and wooden skewers and such. The only nice thing is that they occasionally still manage to be creative with old stuff (such as the trick with the umbrella). It is fairly weighty about it, the soundtrack also seems to think that it is all very big and important, but nowadays there is only a faint film about it.

Visually it is rather limited, acting is solid but unobtrusive, only the soundtrack is really wrong. It's not that bad either, but the 'been there, done that feeling' was very dominant in this film.


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Gangster Tony participates in a profitable hold-up. A rival gang wants to take over the loot. Towards the end of the film everything turns into a mutual killing of the two gangs.

Jules Dassin has adapted this classic film noir captivatingly and very cleverly. The print is particularly notable for its masterly creation of atmosphere through the deeply human accent and the beautiful photography. Although the denouement illustrates the statement "crime is always punished", the film is a dangerous spectacle because of its detailed dissection of a robbery and idealization of a gang.


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Fisico (moderator films)

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Rififi had been on my list for a long time. Great film noir that I saw in French without subtitles. Not everything has got through to me regarding dialogues, but I could just get away with it. Film that resembles that other classic some 15 years later, Le Cercle Rouge (Film, 1970) in which that robbery also so blood-curdlingly beautiful and painfully slow. The idea of not putting any dialogue or music underneath also makes this scene extra powerful. A quarter of the film was spent on this, not a minute too much if you ask me.

Much less credit should be taken from the Ocean's eleven franchise in the sense that each gangster friend has their own specialty. But you can also link The Italian job, for example, to this, but then we are talking about a different level.

It is also remarkable how accurate and authentic that top scene is in the sense that it was apparently used by real thieves. Great film, excellent acting and editing. A heist with a real suspense at a high level. An example!

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