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Donnie Darko (2001)

Mystery | 113 minutes / 133 minutes (director's cut)
3,96 6.651 votes

Genre: Mystery / Drama

Duration: 113 minuten / 133 minuten (director's cut)

Country: United States

Directed by: Richard Kelly

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone and Patrick Swayze

IMDb score: 8,0 (872.840)

Releasedate: 19 January 2001

Donnie Darko plot

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"

October 2, 1988, an ordinary day in the life of confused 16-year-old Donnie Darko. Then out of nowhere an airplane engine falls through the roof of his house, right into Donnie's room. Fortunately, Donnie is not in bed, as he has been warned about this in a vision by a 2 meter long rabbit. As Donnie begins to explore life and love, he discovers the secrets of the universe that give him the ability to change time and his destiny.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Donnie Darko

Gretchen Ross

Karen Pomeroy

Kitty Farmer

Elizabeth Darko

Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff

Dr. Lilian Thurman

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  • 73 messages
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You have to follow the film carefully if you want to understand the story a bit.. Googling Donnie Darko explained will also help But still an exciting film to watch, you can also let your own ideas go and that's so nice about mindfuck films ! Only saw the film yesterday for the first time, funny to see Gyllenhaal is his younger years. Well acted, didn't bother me at all..

Critical point; Very simple how Donnie's love gets killed....

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“28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. That's when the world will end.”

Masterpiece. I do remember that when I first saw Donnie Darko, I immediately looked up all kinds of information on the internet and read all kinds of theories. I thought it was a fascinating and brilliant film, and years later that hasn't changed. The complicated and at the same time intriguing story, the cinematography, the direction and music that come together in a masterly way and of course the strong acting.

What I had forgotten is how funny the movie actually is. The story has sci-fi and thriller elements, but the film is also very funny at times. The whole high school thing is well portrayed and has a wonderfully absurd tinge. The Gyllenhaal's, Barrymore, Malone, McDonnell, Swayze etc. Actually too many strong performances to mention. Richard Kelly also deserves all the credit for the unparalleled directing and fantastic music. Ingenious, strange, complicated, beautiful, exciting, scary, humorous, romantic, etc. Donnie Darko is it all. A film that you have to let over you, and that, like a complicated puzzle, always fits together perfectly. With each time a new puzzle piece that gives you a new angle.

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Finally! What a wonderful movie this is to me, OUTSTANDING! Film contained so much, but never came across as a mixed bag, on the contrary. It all fits together so 'beautifully'. After such a first viewing you are really left with the necessary questions, you are literally still enjoying it and posting things, the film does not stop after the credits. I really enjoy this. A teenager with all its issues, big and small, complexity, but also beauty, all-encompassing emotions, but never really super depressing, like a 'Happiness', which I also think is a sublime film. What a wonderful Jake Gyllenhaal as Donnie too, that facial expression, that icy look and then that rabbit, such bliss, and the shots with the 'rabbit' and Donnie, were always so nice and creepy. Is the world going to end within 28 days, can Donnie prevent this or/and we as viewers are presented with everything that takes place in another dimension, time space, the latter is clear to me anyway, partly due to some references to the book "the Philosophy of Time Travel" Is there something else alien involved, I don't know. This film is going to get at least a second viewing. Big 10, these are really films that amaze and knock me over.

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