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Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)

Horror | 75 minutes
2,26 57 votes

Genre: Horror / Comedy

Duration: 75 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Deborah Brock

Stars: Crystal Bernard, Kimberly McArthur and Jennifer Rhodes

IMDb score: 4,7 (7.976)

Releasedate: 30 October 1987

Slumber Party Massacre II plot

"The party begins when the lights go out!"

Courtney, the younger sister of the girl who last time stopped the killer, is now an adult but still has nightmares about that one horrific night. She decides to spend the weekend with their friends and the members of her rock group in a remote mountain hut to have a party. Once they arrive, however, they are slaughtered one by one by a maniac with a guitar.

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avatar van scorsese


  • 12476 messages
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Bad film in which four girls from a band go away for a weekend. This film is less than 75 minutes long, and even that is actually too long. Compared to the first part, there is less nudity, less gore and it is all less playful. The killer is downright ridiculous and the acting isn't much better either.

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avatar van Mescaline


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Nice sequel, but I thought the first part was just a bit better.
The first part had more slasher anyway and yes, which is not entirely unimportant in films like this, more nudity!
Only 1 pair can be seen in this film, which is a bit disappointing to me!
The killer was vague, you don't really know if she was hallucinating or if it all really happened?

In any case, still fun to pick up and I will also give part 3 a chance, it was also a shame that Jennifer Meyers did not play in this 2nd part, I was curious how she had grown up after 5 years!

I strongly doubt between a 2.5 and a 3, my rating is somewhere in the middle (maybe a measly 6)
A 2.5 for now. Still nice stuff, but I think a 3 is just a bit too much.

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  • 2102 messages
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This sequel has a different tone than the first part and that is not a bad idea to give it its own face. We see a kind of rock'n roll/rockabilly slasher here. The first hour seems like one has watched the Nightmare on Elm Streetfranchise again. Nice effects here and there but no murders yetin this slasher. And lots of music. With a fresh sounding girl band that I really enjoyed. The killer's theme, and also his entire appearance, was over the top rockabilly. Blessed! With his guitar, whose neck ends in a penetrating drill, the phallic approach of the first part is smoothly passed over. It's not exciting but comical. You have to look at it that way or you won't like it. I certainly enjoyed it. The crazy combination of music, effects, story and eighties zeitgeist makes this a unique film.

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