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The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)

Horror | 77 minutes
2,56 144 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 77 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Amy Holden Jones

Stars: Michelle Michaels, Robin Stille and Michael Villella

IMDb score: 5,6 (19.279)

Releasedate: 10 September 1982

The Slumber Party Massacre plot

"You know the drill."

A teenage girl is home alone for a night and decides to invite all her friends to a pajama party. Only the new girl from the street is not invited and therefore stays at home. However, the party is soon interrupted by a sick killer who kills the girls one by one with a large jackhammer. Only the new girl can stop the killer.

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A horror film about several teenage girls who organize a pajama party, with a screenplay written by a woman and a female director. Both ladies seem to have slightly feminist traits, so it makes perfect sense that the teenage girls talk about their plans for the weekend as they shower, while the camera films the naked bodies in close-up, starting from the back, then panning to the buttocks . And exactly as directed by director Amy Jones, the lady in question eventually turns around for a titty shot.

Incidentally, there is someone who is slaughtering a bunch of teenagers with the help of a drill. A real piece of crap film that, apart from the aforementioned observations, really has nothing good to say about it. Ironically enough, downright sleep-inducing.

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Exaggerated heat high school girls in undressed state and in lingerie. Bronzed young men peeping through windows (in the 1980s that behavior was not yet punished. Wonderful times). An escaped serial killer who distinguishes himself with an admirable piece of method acting, drilling his way through high school meat. The ingredients are basic and familiar and offer a fine mix of (naked) grace that serves the voyeuristic urges of the viewer and splatter and gore.

It is almost unbelievable that given the high exploitation content of the film, two women are responsible for the creative process. Amy Holden Jones is the director and writer. Rita Mae Brown (political activist, lesbian and novelist) co-wrote with her. It all becomes more understandable when you know that Roger Corman got involved in the project and demanded some compromises and concessions. Yet the female contribution remains recognizable in self-mockery and in a slightly feminist-tinged drive that occasionally bubbles up but does not have a disturbing effect.

The Slumber Party Massacre differs from many other slashers. The film does not work with a whodunit principle, but immediately gives its antagonist a face and an identity without doing anything with it. The killer is simply a tool that, like the other men in the film, is a means of telling a story. The ladies are very prominent in the center. Despite showing some bare skin here and there, they represent the dominant sex.

The film plays very pleasantly with the clichés of the slasher genre, copies a lot from the great examples and does so with a considerable wink. The Slumber Party Massacre doesn't take itself seriously, but doesn't overdo it. Despite the mediocre acting, the predictable course and the super lame showdown, the film never becomes a laughably bad low-budget film. Thanks to the creative female input, I think.

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Dating from the so-called golden age of slashers, this is a film in which a number of elements perhaps fall into place by chance. But what results in a beautiful example of the slasher genre. Also described as a crypto-feminist slasher as it is directed and written by ladies Amy Jones and Rita Mae Brown. Brown provided the script as a tongue-in-cheek parody of the genre in which she wanted to stand up against the violence that women endure. However, the studio bosses wanted to make it a straight forward slasher. As a result, we effectively see a straight forward slasher, but a number of moments with black humor have clearly not been filtered out. Delicious combination. And then there is the input of one Roger Corman who, for the sake of the viewing figures, went all out for exploitation and directed a lot of nude scenes (to the chagrin of those involved on the set). What a combination. The music is by Ralph Jones, the director's brother, and the atmosphere is somewhere between cheesy and creepy. Composed and performed on a Casio synthesizer. Delicious. My older brother had something similar in the eighties. That cost quite a lot of money for what you could eventually get out of it. But in the end, limitations also create opportunities. And that also applies to this low budget film in general. The gore is dosed and impressive. The acting performances are actually fine for what it should be. It's not about high level drama, but about basic scream.

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