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L'Etrusco Uccide Ancora (1972)

Horror | 105 minutes
3,09 22 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 105 minuten

Alternative titles: Das Geheimnis des Gelben Grabes / The Dead Are Alive / The Etruscan Kills Again

Country: Italy / West Germany / Yugoslavia

Directed by: Armando Crispino

Stars: Alex Cord, Samantha Eggar and John Marley

IMDb score: 5,4 (1.111)

Releasedate: 25 May 1972


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


L'Etrusco Uccide Ancora plot

"There's No Place To Hide When The Dead Are Alive!"

A photographer on an archaeological expedition unearthing Etruscan ruins in Italy begins to think that not all Etruscans buried there are actually dead. When he discovers an ancient tomb, which has not been seen by human eyes for many centuries, two expedition members are mysteriously killed. It turns out that they were murdered in the same way as the drawings they find on the spot.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jason Porter

Myra Shelton

Nikos Samarakis

Inspector Giuranna

Leni Samarakis

Igor Samarakis

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If you look at the title and the cover, one expects that the film has something to do with zombies or the like. Nothing could be further from the truth, the story is simply a who-done-it crime story with some giallo characteristics, although these are negligible. In terms of gore and sleaze it remains quite mediocre and it doesn't really get exciting. 5/10

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A film without sympathetic characters, which is often the case with giallo's. This means you view it all from a distance. And then I see a well-made genre film with murders and an Agatha Christie plot. The finale is very well staged in terms of suspense. The acting is generally very good. Riz Ortolani's music is beautiful. Visually it all looks good with those beautiful locations and expert direction.

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