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Ivanovo Detstvo (1962)

Drama | 95 minutes
3,74 372 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 95 minuten

Alternative titles: Ivan's Childhood / De Jeugd van Ivan / Иваново Детство

Country: Soviet Union

Directed by: Andrei Tarkovsky

Stars: Valentin Zubkov and Yevgeni Zharikov

IMDb score: 8,0 (40.673)

Releasedate: 9 May 1962

Ivanovo Detstvo plot

Ivanovo Detstvo is a surreal film in which dream sequences, memories and images of reality tell a story about lost innocence and quickly acquired adulthood. Twelve-year-old Ivan goes to work as a spy for the Russians during World War II. He falls under the care of Colonel Gryaznov, who decides to enroll Ivan in military training so that Ivan does not have to participate in the war. The boy refuses, flees, only to return to his superiors later and prepare for one last mission.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Ivan Bondarev

Captain Kholin

Lieutnant Colonel Gryaznov

Lieutnant Galtsev

Ivan's Mother

Corporal Katasonov

Soldier with Glasses

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avatar van De filosoof

De filosoof

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My second Tarkovsky film, but where Stalker made a huge impression on me, this film didn't impress me. The film is about a 12-year-old boy orphaned by the war who is taken in by senior army officers and because he insists on fighting (wanting revenge) he is used for a dangerous reconnaissance mission in which the boy is caught and shot by the Germans. . The film initially seems to be a war propaganda film along the lines of 'you are never too young to take revenge and therefore fight in a war', but it will be an anti-war film with the message 'see how war drags even an innocent child into its vortex of violence and revenge and destroys it psychologically and physically'. There will be a lot more symbolism and messages in the film – what is it with that constant sound of water dripping? – but I have not been able to decipher it. The film is also not captivating enough to make me curious about the meanings.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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My fifth Tarkovsky in which I think this Ivanovo Detstvo is one of the stronger ones, although his other films aren't bad either. Abstract and incomprehensible at times, although that's about it. Of course technically very well done and really enjoyed it.

Some of the film angles are particularly beautiful, such as the scene with the reflecting mirror, the very beautiful scenes between the birch forest, the idyllic fairytale mist-shrouded swamp lakes, the scene with the apple cart and the beautiful shots of the position of the sun in the landscape.

Not everything could interest me in terms of plot, although I did find the role of little Ivan interesting as the product of a ruthless war in which he seeks revenge through indoctrinated hatred. All in all, fairly accessible, in which the atmosphere and the allusion of a major war event comes to the fore.

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My first Tarkovsky and unfortunately it was disappointing. The plot was not interesting enough to keep you there, of course you can see Tarkovsky's talent with technically clever cinematographic images. Yet there was no real tension in the film and there was hardly any real storyline.

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