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Creep (2014)

Drama | 82 minutes
2,54 291 votes

Genre: Drama / Horror

Duration: 82 minuten

Alternative title: Peachfuzz

Country: United States

Directed by: Patrick Brice

Stars: Patrick Brice and Mark Duplass

IMDb score: 6,3 (74.343)

Releasedate: 23 June 2014

Creep plot

Aaron is an optimistic filmmaker who decides to work for Josef after answering his ad on Craigslist. All Aaron has to do is film Josef all day and handle the whole plan discreetly. Josef tells Aaron that he is making a series of videos for his unborn son because he is suffering from a terminal illness and will never be able to watch him grow up. Gradually, however, Aaron begins to doubt the things that Josef does and says.

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  • 32 messages
  • 813 votes

Guys what a whining here. In my opinion, the people who give unsatisfactory marks here are watching a film genre that is wrong for them, or have too little empathy.

This extremely low-budget film shows that you can show a very powerful and mysterious story with a cast of only 2(!) people. The predictable Brice and highly unpredictable opponent Duplass creates a chemistry. It wasn't until after the movie ended that I realized that the cast was no more than 2 people.

To understand this film, you have to be able to put yourself in the shoes of Duplass' sick mind and unpredictability (just like the Bates Motel series, for example). The story just keeps getting grim. Still a number of construction errors, call from Angela you can not personally find bad in the story, this is just a construction error and is poorly thought about.

But who says a movie has to be perfect? I had a great time, which is the ultimate goal. A top film has been made with the resources used. However, you notice that part is improvisation. Unfortunately, points where the story can get really interesting have not been developed further.

A meager 3.5* (7/10) for this film.

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john mcclane 2

  • 3361 messages
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Doubt, what is this now!

Benefit of the doubt then, it is a reasonably successful thriller, partly because Marc Duplo's is very convincing as the relevant Creep.

And also because there isn't much going on, but you still remained fascinated.

Also due to the short playing time.

The hint to a part two is pretty clear at the end .

My interest has been aroused to give it a chance.

So: good game, nice and strange, but not an overwhelming thriller (can't call this horror)

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My god what a shit movie! Don't be fooled: this is not a horror. This is a home video in which 2 men think they are making a movie. There is a good chance that you and a good friend can do this better. It's embarrassing to see how the semblance of film is kept up here when there really isn't a single moment of credibility. The acting is so shit that it is sometimes hard to see what is meant. At one point Aaron asks on the phone: Am I in danger? Well hard to say. Plottechnich yes, but instinctively I would say no.

Especially the totally NOT creepy Joseph is painful to watch... very fascinating how something with this appalling quality is picked up by netflix.

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