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Tell Me Who I Am (2019)

Documentary | 85 minutes
3,53 216 votes

Genre: Documentary

Duration: 85 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Ed Perkins

Stars: Alex Lewis, Marcus Lewis and Andrew Caley

IMDb score: 7,6 (17.821)

Releasedate: 18 October 2019


Tell Me Who I Am plot

Marcus and Alex Lewis are English twin brothers. Alex has amnesia and relies on the memory of his twin brother Marcus. He has no more memories and lost his identity in an accident. Alex completely trusts his brother and tries to understand who he was. However, their past is much more sinister than he thinks.

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Impressive documentation and very recognizable, which has released a lot in me that I actually just wanted to forget. For years I was also silent, until the moment I couldn't anymore and then I lost everything that was still dear to me because I stopped being silent. I think it's a must see movie to make it clear to people what's going on when you end up in such a situation yourself and or have been.

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For once, the stylization is the positive outlier in a documentary. That rarely happens, so definitely worth mentioning. Quite a bit of time is invested in the audiovisual, so that the story told is sufficiently supported. Should do more documentary.

But with the setup I had some more problems. First of all, in the beginning it is just a bit too obvious that there is "a big secret". They keep turning around for almost half an hour, while they keep showing that a revelation is going to follow. That revelation is ultimately less spectacular, despite the fact that the facts are of course extremely dramatic. I don't think that's really the impact you want to create.

In addition, I also wonder what kind of people want to do such a conversation or revelation in front of a lot of camera. To be honest, I don't really need to be there as a viewer. First have such a conversation privately and then make a documentary about it, this way it also feels a bit like attention seeking.

Doesn't detract much from the drama that took place, of course, not even from the unique story, but this could have been done much better.


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Tell Me Who I Am tells the extraordinary story of two identical twin brothers, one of whom has lost his memory due to a traffic accident, making him completely dependent on his brother to rediscover his past. That past therefore appears to have a dark side that does not immediately reveal itself.

The viewer is kept in the dark for a long time about what exactly happened. The brothers carefully choose their words and take a long time to get to the heart of the story. That seems to be a conscious choice by the director, who also does his best to keep the viewer on the edge of his seat through a slowly building up editing. It works, but the setup feels quite contrived as a result. The many intermediate shots of the mansion and the reconstruction of certain scenes reinforced that feeling.

The final act in which Marcus tells Alex what happened to them also feels forced. Although it is a sincere conversation and portrayed with integrity without much frills, the carefully arranged studio setting still gives me a feeling of voyeurism and the pursuit of effect when you capture this on camera and show it to the viewer. Anyway, isn't that the essence of a documentary?

Anyway, a tragic story, which moved me despite the slow nature.

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