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Como Agua para Chocolate (1992)

Drama | 123 minutes
3,39 103 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 123 minuten

Alternative title: Like Water for Chocolate

Country: Mexico

Directed by: Alfonso Arau

Stars: Marco Leonardi, Lumi Cavazos and Regina Torné

IMDb score: 7,1 (19.543)

Releasedate: 16 April 1992

Como Agua para Chocolate plot

"In Tita's kitchen, ordinary spices become a recipe for passion."

In old Mexico, Tita and Pedro are in love. However, Tita, a member of a wealthy family, is not allowed to marry Pedro because her strict mother Elena wants Tita's older sisters to marry first, and because she wants Tita to continue to care for her. Pedro marries Tita's older sister, but only to be closer to Tita. When Tita has to make the wedding cake, Tita discovers that she can do strange things with her cooking...

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