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A Real Pain (2024)

Drama | 90 minutes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United States / Poland

Directed by: Jesse Eisenberg

Stars: Jesse Eisenberg, Kieran Culkin and Will Sharpe

IMDb score: 7,1 (53.069)

Releasedate: 1 November 2024

A Real Pain plot

"Join the family."

Cousins David and Benji lose their grandmother and travel to Poland together in memory. As a Holocaust survivor, she had included this trip in her will. The men discover more about her childhood during World War II and also discover things about their origins. At the same time, old tensions between them begin to resurface.

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  • 2843 messages
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A Real Pain is a beautiful film with a solid story that was also well developed. It is funny but also emotional. There is a good balance in this. Kieran Culkin is the star here that I really enjoyed. Jesse Eisenberg is a good counterpart but still keeps going in his own circles with every role he takes on. I find little depth in that. Nevertheless, this film is really recommended.

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A Real Pain is a beautiful film; made all the more so by the presence of Kieran Culkin, who has turned playing troubled characters with charisma into an art form. Jesse Eisenberg, who wrote and directed the film (his passion project, apparently), is also excellent as the understated counterpart.

The film had some similarities with Sideways, for example, although there are enough of these kinds of films in which the friendship or relationship between two traveling companions (often opposites who are dependent on each other) is tested. In terms of concept, the film is not very original, but against the background of a Polish-Jewish heritage tour in Poland (including a visit to memorial sites, and in particular camp Majdanek) it is quite unique.

The social dynamic between Benji (Culkin) and David (Eisenberg) is entertaining and sometimes quite abrasive, although I found the drama to be on the mild side. Apart from an emotional moment on the roof of a hotel where David tells Benji what he thinks of him it never really comes to an outburst and the ending doesn't have the impact I was hoping for. It could have been a bit more.
On the other hand, Kieran and Jesse act excellently together and in combination with the cinematography and music it is still a beautiful viewing experience.


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  • 107 messages
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Really a beautiful film, recommended!

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