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Companion (2025)

Scifi | 97 minutes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Drew Hancock

Stars: Sophie Thatcher, Jack Quaid and Lukas Gage

IMDb score: 7,3 (21.026)

Releasedate: 22 January 2025


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Companion plot

"Find someone made just for you."

Iris and her friends go to a billionaire's estate on a lake for the weekend. The billionaire dies. This death sets off a chain reaction that also has consequences for the group of friends.

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  • 9754 messages
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Iris [Sophie Thatcher] is madly in love with Josh [Jack Quaid], but in the prologue she announces that she will kill Josh. Iris reluctantly accompanies her lover for a weekend at the isolated villa of Sergey [Rupert Friend]. Things don't go well between Iris and Kat [Megan Suri]. Also present are Eli [Harvey Guillén] and his lover Patrick [Lukas Gage], but the weekend soon takes an unexpected turn that reveals the cause of the difficult mutual understanding. Starts off well, not least because of Thatcher's strong performance and Hancock raises interesting dilemmas about the increasing dependence on technology. Unfortunately, he undoes much of the good work by breaking the rules he himself had so emphatically laid down in the last quarter.

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Went in blind and was very entertained. It was like The Coen Brothers played Detroit become Human. Of all the Coen films, it reminded me most of their debut Blood Simple. It's all about money. Combined with the robot/human aspect of DBH.

The beginning was a bit of a struggle, but after about thirty minutes (after the twist) I was 100% locked on. The dude from The Boys & Scream V is a good actor, who knows how to deliver his comical dialogues that always made me smile.

Humor didn't always work for me

Especially the flashback scenes that repeated themselves too much. But otherwise I had an excellent afternoon in the cinema hall. Recommended and you really have to go into the film blind. No trailer, no synopsis watching.

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Very nice and original genre mix that does not reveal itself easily and mainly takes the viewer along in an entertaining event with enough variation. Jack Quaid and Sophie Thatcher are both perfect for the various roles that they are assigned and together they carry an efficient chemistry. Director Drew Hancock has to rely more on the content than the design, but also in terms of special effects and cinematography Companion is quite good. It forms a particularly amusing film that does not benefit much from the humorous side, but remains unpredictable, exciting and captivating enough to keep the viewer captivated for the entire duration. The finale is also very tightly constructed and compensates for the fact that the makers use a bit too much stereotypical supporting characters.

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Drulko Vlaschjan

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Unfortunately I had seen the trailer, which ruined the first half hour of the film. Imperative tip: do not watch the trailer before going to the film.

So it's hard to give a fair assessment, but let me try. It's a nice movie that's fairly straightforward. The plot has some holes, but if you can shrug your shoulders at that, it's doable. I managed to do that, precisely because it's such an unpretentious movie.

I had to laugh out loud a few times (at the excessive violence against the officer and when Iris raises and lowers her voice on the phone - nothing human is alien to me). It could have been a bit more absurd for me, but that is purely a matter of taste.

I also didn't think it was very helpful that Iris announced in the prologue that she would kill Josh. That made the final scene a lot less exciting.

I don't think I'll think back to this film very often. Although the theme does say something about our current society and the future that awaits us, the film doesn't really invite deep reflection on these matters. Switch off your brain, grab a bag of chips, just let things go - that's the kind of film it is. Nice, isn't it?

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