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Anora (2024)

Drama | 139 minutes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 139 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Sean Baker

Stars: Mikey Madison, Yuriy Borisov and Ivy Wolk

IMDb score: 7,7 (95.467)

Releasedate: 14 October 2024

Anora plot

"Love is a hustle."

Anora is a young sex worker from Brooklyn. One day she meets the son of an oligarch. Love is in the air and in an impulsive mood they decide to marry each other. This news also reaches Russia, which the husband's parents are not happy about. They travel to New York with the aim of annulling the marriage.

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  • 195 messages
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Pretty Woman, but with crazy Russians.

Had a really good laugh, but it could easily have been 20 minutes shorter.

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Stripper and sex worker Ani [Mikey Madison] is persuaded by client Ivan [Marek Eidelshtein] to pretend to be in a relationship for $15,000 for a week. The week actually ends in a marriage proposal, and Ani jumps at the chance to live as a millionaire's wife. But then Ivan's family starts interfering. The first 45 minutes are all sex, booze, drugs and partying and are downright boring. When Toros [Karren Karagulian], Garnick [Vache Tovmasyan] and Igor [Yura Borisov] enter the picture, the story takes a Tarantinoesque turn that often hilariously lampoons the clichés of Russian tough guys. Unfortunately, this uneven mix of comedy and drama ends with a vague and unnecessary epilogue in which Baker suddenly tries to evoke sympathy for an opportunistic young woman for whom money has until then been the only motivation for her sometimes downright unbearable behavior.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Like many of Baker's films: good at times, visually delightful at times (those pink sunsets, the colours in clubs and night streets, the loose camerawork that fits well), intriguing in a certain way but I also miss a bit of the wow factor. I even found the first 40 minutes (until the incursion) a bit tame and the film is in a way about superficiality but secretly the film is that too and the central relationship never really comes to life (compare that with Gere and Roberts in Pretty Woman where there is clearly chemistry to be seen). That is not so much because of Madison but rather because her co-star is too flat. Now Madison brings a lot of energy and carries the film with ease but she also does not really manage to go into depth. At the end I have no idea who she played.

But then suddenly from that invasion the picture changes into an absurdist black comedy that is often very funny. Especially because scenes just go on and on and jokes are really stretched out and that works. The actors also all have a strong comic timing which makes the jokes fun. The ending is a bit more serious but doesn't really hit home because the tone of the film was quite different just 80 minutes before. 3.5*.

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