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The Brutalist (2024)

Drama | 214 minutes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 214 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Canada

Directed by: Brady Corbet

Stars: Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones and Guy Pearce

IMDb score: 7,9 (27.911)

Releasedate: 20 December 2024


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Brutalist plot

"We Tolerate You."

The architect László Toth leaves the European continent with his wife Erzsébet and moves to the United States where they want to make the American Dream come true. Their lives change completely when the charming industrialist Harrison Van Buren makes them a proposal. The modern project to be designed will be László's most ambitious project ever.

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László Tóth

Erzsébet Tóth

Harrison Lee Van Buren

Harry Lee Van Buren

Maggie Lee Van Buren

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  • 375 messages
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A trailer doesn't tell the whole story, but I'm really looking forward to this.

I think Adrien Brody is a great actor!

Finally a nice long epic movie again!

I've decided not to go see Babygirl, that aside, that movie is so hyped that it usually disappoints.

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Flipman (redacteur)

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Both intimate and compelling. As starbright boy already indicates, making a comparison is not easy. In my review I do mention Megalopolis and Mr. K, but the first is also about an architect. Both have a lot of messages, but in Megalopolis they tend to get bogged down in pretentiousness. Mr. K and The Brutalist manage to convey their themes very beautifully, in a creative or brutal way. And as a viewer you can decide for yourself which theme appeals to you the most.

Yes, the film is long, but I was never bored for a moment. We are looking at the foundations of the American Dream, the blueprints of which would probably give you nightmares. Very impressive, strongly portrayed, fantastically acted and one that may need to simmer for quite a while before you know what you think of it.

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Hungarian-Jewish architect László Tóth [Adrien Brody] survives the Shoah and moves to the US to build a new life. It's not easy and he soon loses his way in the New York jazz scene under the influence of alcohol and heroin. Until Harry [Joe Alwyn] asks him to transform the study of his father Harrison Lee van Buren Sr. [Guy Pearce] into a modern library. The job earns him a multi-million dollar assignment that he throws himself into with heart and soul while waiting for the arrival of his wife [Felicity Jones] and his niece [Raffey Cassidy], who turn out to be alive and looking for a way to get to the US. It's good that after 200 minutes there is an epilogue that explains what we've been watching, because we get little insight into the reasons for the obsessive and often unbearable behavior of László and Van Buren. Described as an epic, but apart from a handful of sweeping landscapes, this is more reminiscent of a low-budget film. Shown in cinemas with a 15-minute intermission. During the second part (in which Jones makes an appearance) I had less trouble keeping my eyes open. Lots of talking, little action.

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