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One Night at McCool's (2001)

Crime | 93 minutes
2,85 572 votes

Genre: Crime / Comedy

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Harald Zwart

Stars: Liv Tyler, John Goodman and Matt Dillon

IMDb score: 6,2 (31.564)

Releasedate: 19 April 2001


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


One Night at McCool's plot

"A story about finding the perfect woman... and trying desperately to give her back."

After a rough night at McCool's bar, bartender Randy runs into Jewel. The seductive woman managed to run away from a rape in the nick of time. When the man comes after her, she shoots him dead. Randy takes Jewel home, and they start dating. However, Jewel becomes a demanding friend, forcing Randy to commit crimes for her. Meanwhile, Randy's cousin and the police officer investigating the case also have a crush on Jewel.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jewel Valentino

Mr. Burmeister

Carl Harding

Detc. Dehling

Father Jimmy

Bingo Caller

Bingo Vendor Woman

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avatar van rep_robert


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Indeed a film with much more potential and extremely messy and Tyler's role does not feel fulfilled. Still, the film is saved by the excellent cast who make the 90 minutes still watchable. Kudos to Tyler, who looks her best here.


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Nice film with a lot of familiar faces who almost all make a significant contribution to the film.

The film is a mix of multiple storylines in which Jewel, played by Liv Tyler, is central. Everyone falls for Jewel in the movie and it also has to be said that Tyler looks amazing here. Besides Tyler, Dillon, Goodman and Michael Douglas are all doing very well. Every character has something funny, helped by the dialogues, which are of a good level.

The film also has a few nice twists and turns and although the film balances on the edge of credibility at times, fortunately that limit is never crossed. The film also comes across as very fresh at times. Still, it must also be said that there may be a twist too much, which sometimes makes the film feel a little bit forced.

Still, I like to give the film the benefit of the doubt, because the film contains too many good elements for that and it is all very entertaining.


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This movie was once very cheap. I don't think I read it at all at the time. Due to some positive reactions I've read, I decided to review it. But I can't really say that I like this movie.

One Night at McCool's is one of those typical comedy where I realize afterwards that I didn't actually laugh. I mainly read here that everyone thought Liv Tyler was very handsome and I like to agree with that opinion, but then I have mentioned just about the most positive thing about the film. Despite the fact that a number of fairly big names including John Goodman, Matt Dillon and Michael Douglas participate in this, I thought the acting was quite mediocre. Actually, I had the feeling that none of the actors could really show what they have to offer. Admittedly; Those last scenes were fun. The slow-motion shooting accompanied by the song YMCA was liked and the final ending also made for a smile. But of course one or two scenes cannot save a film that lasts an hour and a half. The rest of the movie was pretty boring to me. At times the film is reminiscent of the concept of There's Something about Mary, but a lot less fun.

Maybe it's just me, but I found this one very disappointing. Normally I like comedies with a little bit of humor and a well-known cast, but here it didn't seem to matter much. Despite the fact that it seems like the film is well put together (by alternately showing the different characters who have a crush on Jewel), I found the overall picture to be very messy. It seemed as if they didn't really know where they were going with this. After the end I first thought of 2 stars, but I find the jokes too thin and the other negatives too strong.


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