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American History X (1998)

Crime | 119 minutes
4,18 10.363 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 119 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tony Kaye

Stars: Edward Norton, Edward Furlong and Fairuza Balk

IMDb score: 8,5 (1.218.325)

Releasedate: 1 July 1998

American History X plot

"Some Legacies Must End."

Danny Vinyard (Edward Furlong) is a teenager who is completely under the influence of his older brother, the neo-Nazi skinhead Derek (Edward Norton). When Danny writes an enthusiastic report at school about Hitler's Mein Kampf, the headmaster gives him a choice between writing an essay about Derek or getting kicked out of school. Derek's hatred of other races stems from his father's murder, which leads to him being convicted of murder himself. Free again years later, Derek has changed. He wants to teach some people a lesson, including his own brother...

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  • 87403 messages
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Lesser review.

It didn't suddenly become terribly bad, but the masterpiece I once saw in it had clearly disappeared. AHX was just about the first movie I saw that had a very explicitly bad ending. Then I thought it was great (mainly knowing Hollywood movies), this time I thought it was a bit too forced.

Just like most things in the movie, really. The black and white and the many slomos are supposed to give the film extra weight, but often only half succeed. The moral is also pushed a bit too strongly, which sometimes makes it all feel a bit uncomfortable. A little more nuance in characters and storyline would probably have done the film well.

And furthermore, this film remains a somewhat painful legacy of Norton and Furlong. Both are just doing really well, but they've never really been able to get the most out of their careers. It's a shame because in itself just two good actors.

American History X remains a fine film, also a nice supporting role from Suplee (weirde actor), but the genius has been lost with time. Not even that the film is so outdated, but by watching more films, the special has gone off a bit.


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  • 165 messages
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Good movie!

The film pulls you in from the start. The story is well built with the past/present structure. This fits perfectly

The film is very explicit, which I always appreciate. As a result, the impact is also very large.

The natural acting is a huge plus. The family ties are well played and Edward Norten also plays the rage attacks strongly.

I definitely recommend this movie!

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'Glory, glory blood and honor'

Apparently for no real reason and my knowledge my post has been deleted here Censorship if you don't think mainstream

Still a wonderful film and so I would have watched it again, there was still time for it and better than that pre-chewed, politically correct crap, which I am almost obliged to serve from renowned production houses. Lovely scene remains the curb scene and the hard realization with which the film ends... remains a big 10

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