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The Truth about Cats & Dogs (1996)

Comedy | 97 minutes
2,73 210 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Michael Lehmann

Stars: Uma Thurman, Janeane Garofalo and Ben Chaplin

IMDb score: 6,3 (29.558)

Releasedate: 26 April 1996

The Truth about Cats & Dogs plot

"Brian's about to discover the woman he loves isn't the woman he loves."

Abby, a shrewd and cheerful vet with his own radio station, is anything but sure when it comes to love. When an amorous listener wants to go on a date with her, the little brunette describes herself as tall and blond. To get out of this predicament, she asks her tall, blond neighbor to take her place.

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  • 12464 messages
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Good film about an insecure radio host who is asked out by a listener. A successful and entertaining romcom with a kind of mistaken identity plot. Perhaps not very original or surprising, but just fun. Partly because of the nice cast with a charming Janeane Garofalo. A narrow 3.5 stars.

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  • 8700 messages
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Nice and cheerful rom-com. The story is not very special but entertaining enough. The cast does a very good job and that makes for a nice movie with a nice atmosphere. A kind of feel-good rom-com, where the whole exceeds the sum of its parts. More than 3 stars.

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