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Shiva Baby (2020)

Comedy | 77 minutes
3,31 104 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 77 minuten

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Emma Seligman

Stars: Rachel Sennott, Molly Gordon and Polly Draper

IMDb score: 7,1 (34.844)

Releasedate: 2 April 2021

Shiva Baby plot

Jewish student Danielle attends a shivve with her family. She tries to survive the ceremony, despite the presence of her ex-girlfriend Maya who seems to have it all together. Her day takes an unexpected turn when her sugar daddy Max arrives with his wife Kim and baby.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Intriguing film about watching and being watched. About social contacts, interpersonal relationships, about what can be expected and what cannot be expected, about how you should behave and how strongly your own behavior is determined by the opinion or gaze of others.

It runs in the best of families I would say. The gossip or weighing your own situation against the other. You are only happy when you value yourself higher. If you then drag along some secrets in Danielle's case, you will go completely crazy when that secret threatens to be revealed. It starts strangely with a girlfriend / cousin she has ignored for a long time. Annoying ... To then have to hear that she is a model student and daughter, well, not nice those comparisons every time.

Funny how she is always approached about her side job as a babysitter, but her behavior was sometimes a bit too obvious to come across as credible. Or it must be a real stress rabbit, then that is also possible. Just ignore that and there's no problem, I thought...

Wonderful awkward final scene in the van. Wonderful role of that father who presents himself as a jovial everyone's friend and sees no problems in anything. Great casting and camera work indeed. Nice to have caught up!

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El ralpho

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Neverending Shiva

Social discomfort conveyed in the style of a horror. I think the idea is strong, the execution a lot less. Despite a short running time, Shiva Baby quickly became repetitive and the thick soundtrack started to annoy me rather than add anything. I was also very distracted by it. And although the emphasis was exactly the intention of the makers, it felt out of place and the music could have been a lot less dominant.

Other than that, the rest of the story didn't appeal to me. There were too many coincidences and too forced social discomfort, which made this comedy/drama seem too contrived to me. In combination with the music mentioned above, I couldn't get into this at all. But this will also be personal. The design really appealed to me, but unfortunately the execution turned out not to be my cup of tea. If the above things also irritate you during the first 45 minutes, you can save yourself the time and better replace Shiva Baby with another film.


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There's a lot of sensible things being said about this movie here, and it's certainly not a bad movie, but I found all this rambling about nothing rather tiresome. Despite the short running time, I found it to be long, with quite a few repetitions. The director has made a longer version of her 2018 short film, so you might get the feeling that it's all a bit 'stretched out'. Indeed, it is a tragicomedy. At a Jewish funeral, everyone measures each other and the main character tries to survive in that madhouse. She has to keep up the appearance of a fantastically successful student, while her life is a mess. A nice insight into a New York Jewish environment.

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