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De Grønne Slagtere (2003)

Comedy | 100 minutes
3,50 696 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 100 minuten

Alternative title: The Green Butchers

Country: Denmark

Directed by: Anders Thomas Jensen

Stars: Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Mads Mikkelsen and Line Kruse

IMDb score: 7,2 (25.468)

Releasedate: 8 March 2003

De Grønne Slagtere plot

"There is something mythological about killing an animal and then mocking it by sticking it into its own intestine"

Bjarne and Svend are friends and both work at a butcher's shop. Svend has great ambition driven by an equally great inferiority complex, while Bjarne loves nothing at all except his girlfriend Astrid. Starting their own butcher's business allows them to escape from their evil boss, but the shop doesn't run very well until a freak accident occurs.

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The first time I saw the film, years ago now, I loved it. So, once again, we pulled out of the closet for a special movie night. I thought it was a bit disappointing, and my girlfriend fell asleep with it. In itself it is very well liked in terms of jokes, but the timing may be a bit slow - especially if you are already a bit sleepy. Visually I thought it was a bit over the top this time, especially Svend's sweaty head was a bit too thick for me. The whole idiocy surrounding Eigil on the other hand fits right in.

Okay, so I was a bit disappointed in the review. Maybe it's less if you remember the clue - and that's not something you would easily forget.

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That Cheese looks exactly like Diederik Samson. Otherwise a weird movie. Beautiful role by Mikkelsen!

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